Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Tfeverfred is not with us.

They talk like that is their first language. I feel it shows now respect for themselves or others. OH and I'm not a prude--worked the factory for 30 years and did hit the bars then.
At 79, I've been exposed/still exposed to plenty but very much in favor of keeping the bar set high. Prefer that those who choose to make what may be taken as offensive comments do it somewhere else or in private. Just my $.02.
Yes, bless his heart he probably would have done that but he also would have been fair. I think he banned Fred and eventually let him back in.
Mike, intelligent, well versed, opinionated and always right was a treat to spar with, to match wits. A man has to know his limits and some times we forget what they are.
Fred strayed, lost sight of the limits placed on us all when we enter this forum. Ron and Fred had a phone conversation ( I have to think this is something rare these days. Too personal for most web site owners who tend to be dictatorial), grievances were aired, an agreement was reached.
Too bad this template can not be used in the present world situation.

G'day All,
From the way Fred replied to those of us suggesting safety washers on his steering rod ends, I got the impression he might have had some other issue away from the Forum he was having trouble dealing with. Could be wrong, hope I am.
Some times Fred can be a wee bit hard headed ...... a taste stubborn ..... some other issue away from the forum (don't we all have those).
Go over to the HAMB and see his work. Coming along nicely.

Memo to self..... NO swear words on the T Bucket forum. Case closed.
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Some times Fred can be a wee bit hard headed ...... a taste stubborn .....

Not that much. But when someone tells me something, even if it's for my own good, I have a tendency to check it out for myself, then draw my own conclusion. If you knew me better, you'd understand.

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