Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Thanks to the T-Bucket Forums

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It's the time of year for giving thanks and how appropriate that we would like to thank Mike and all the T-Bucket Forum members for your warm welcome and support of the eBook reintroduction of Chester Greenhalgh's "How to Build a T-Bucket Roadster for Under $3000."

We must say that the T-Bucket Forums represents an excellent value for any supplier to the T-Bucket and hot rod field and, based on the response we've received to date, we look forward to establishing a long-term relationship, not just as an advertiser but as a contributor. We plan to use this value-added sponsor forum as a tool for additional input to and clarification for Chester's hot rod building classic, among other things.

Again, we want to thank the many T-Bucket Forum members who have purchased a copy of Chester's T-Bucket "how to" eBook. We hope you find it to contain worthwhile information as well as a degree of entertainment.

“If a fellow isn't thankful
for what he's got,
he isn't likely to be thankful
for what he's going to get.”

Best Thanksgiving wishes from
Chester and John at

Thanks, Keeper.

Appreciate your mentioning the Free Chapter in light of the earlier confusion on its availability.

It is now available at All you need to do is scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name and email address. You'll then receive an immediate return email with the download link. It's about a 1.5M file, so may take a minute or so to download.

As Chester noted, the Free Chapter covers T-Bucket radiators, mounts and shells and is a 16 full pages.
Thanks for the MOON!!! :)
Thanks to everyone here and all that you do to make this place a great site!

Have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!
Chester and John, I am glad we work able to work things out. Thanks for your support for the site and contributing to our community. Y'all have a great Thanksgiving. :)
I downloaded the free chapter and then the full meal deal.
The more info I have, the better I hope to do with my build. :hooray:
Thanks for making it available online instead of snail mail.
How ironic? I was just contemplating on how to mount my radiator and grill shell when I decided to down load this free chapter before wandering out to the garage! My questions have been answered and I will be ordering the complete book as soon as possible :)

Once again thank you very much :hide:

It's the time of year for giving thanks and how appropriate that we would like to thank Mike and all the T-Bucket Forum members for your warm welcome and support of the eBook reintroduction of Chester Greenhalgh's "How to Build a T-Bucket Roadster for Under $3000."

We must say that the T-Bucket Forums represents an excellent value for any supplier to the T-Bucket and hot rod field and, based on the response we've received to date, we look forward to establishing a long-term relationship, not just as an advertiser but as a contributor. We plan to use this value-added sponsor forum as a tool for additional input to and clarification for Chester's hot rod building classic, among other things.

Again, we want to thank the many T-Bucket Forum members who have purchased a copy of Chester's T-Bucket "how to" eBook. We hope you find it to contain worthwhile information as well as a degree of entertainment.

for what he's got,
“If a fellow isn't thhe isn't likely to be thankful
for what he's going to get.”

Best Thanksgiving wishes from
Chester and John at


I looked at the preview and want the download but I don't have PayPal yet. Is there a way I can send a money order and then get the download?
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