Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

The weather

-10 here this morning, same as yesterday. Its mid January in Northern Wisconsin, why is this news. My kids are off school for the second day now, I walked to school K-12, and never had a day off because of cold, my kids cant stand at the bus stop for 5 minutes for fear of death. Just how did those people in log cabins survive the winters anyway.

I REALLY hate to say it, but my kids are being taught the modern American work ethic " if conditions aren't perfect, i'm not getting out of bed"
norseman said:
Was listening to the radio today and back in 1936 there was a month long stretch, jan 15th thru feb 15th where in Fargo ND it did not get above zero the entire time. Its been -25 to -35 here at night and has not been above zero for the last few days, I dont count windchill anymore. Suck it up guys, someplace theres canadians laughing at you! lolololol

I guess that I could laugh, but the truth is my dog doesn't even want to go outside for a dump. Norseman, you guys have had your fair share of blizzards already this winter.

Things are looking up though, it may be 32 by Monday which means I can finally get some last minute grinding done in the driveway....and the dog will be just a hoppin'.
all-world1 said:
I guess that I could laugh, but the truth is my dog doesn't even want to go outside for a dump.

The snow is deep enough in the back yard that my Border Collie was having a hard time walking and didn't like sinking his butt into the snow to take a dump. I had to run the snowblower over the grass and clear him a spot where he could squat down. My Labrador Retriever thinks the weather is great and keeps trying to get me to go out and throw his Frisbee for him.
Looks like a break in the action here too this weekend. We were rollerskating last night and the wind was pretty nasty but it blew up some 20 degree stuff.
Looks like this afternoon will be spent scraping off the driveway and I should go shovel off the roof. At work the other day I noticed my 5 ton overhead crane was rubbing on the ceiling lights. Only one thing that will do that! The roof was sagging from the weight of the snow on it. I work in a modelT era shop, built in the teens..Its getting old and creeky.
I had to blow snow the other night, colder than heck plus wind. I had forgotten my good chopper mitts at my folks place and all I had was a pair of good finger gloves. My hands were so cold that they went numb about 10 minutes before I was done. Got in the house, Allie had to unzip my parka, pull my gloves off and untie my boots cuz there was no way my hands were going to do it. They HURT for an hour afterwards and a couple hours later typing they were still tender. pretty close to frostbitten..
old round fart said:
I guess Al Gore and the "GLOBAL WARMING" crowd ain't likin' this stuff.
Global Warming :lol::rofl::please:

Well it warmed up to 30 today and I had to take somemore pics of the tub. So we went for a little ride. Just a few miles, but it sure was fun.
Well the weather is finally getting nice 46F here had two days this week below zero.
I got the battery charger on the bucket and Im gonna fire it up today, the driveway is dry but the streets are a mess from last tuesday. It will be good just to hear it run. I havent looked at the thermometer but its nice out, just my coveralls and a sweatshirt on. gotta be near 40 degrees! lol If the roads are dry Ill run the bucket when its in the 20s....
Im oiutside working on my pickup, it seems to have sprung a leak in the rear fuel tank, glad its near empty....

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