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[ame=[media=youtube]lhrcaWSYKAM[/media] - The Evolution of Speed, part 1[/ame]
I enjoyed watching that but would have liked to see Mickey Thompsons Challenger 1 land speed record car mentioned, it utilized four supercharged Pontiacs to become the first car clocked at 400 mph on a land speed record course. On Friday morning, Sept. 9, 1960, Thompson drove the awesome machine to a one way speed of 406.60 mph. He needed only a return pass of 392.6 mph to back up the record but broke a driveshaft on the run. Still, the achievement of becoming the first American racer to break the 400 mph barrier made Thompson an international motorsports celebrity. Thompson took special pride in the fact that the car was a combination of 100 percent American automotive parts and engineering and outperformed many higher financed entries from other countries.

[ame=[media=youtube]bTbsHD7tCyI[/media] - The Evolution of Speed, part 2[/ame]
Telman2 said:
I enjoyed watching that but would have liked to see Mickey Thompsons Challenger 1 land speed record car mentioned, it utilized four supercharged Pontiacs to become the first car clocked at 400 mph on a land speed record course. On Friday morning, Sept. 9, 1960, Thompson drove the awesome machine to a one way speed of 406.60 mph. He needed only a return pass of 392.6 mph to back up the record but broke a driveshaft on the run. Still, the achievement of becoming the first American racer to break the 400 mph barrier made Thompson an international motorsports celebrity. Thompson took special pride in the fact that the car was a combination of 100 percent American automotive parts and engineering and outperformed many higher financed entries from other countries.

Noted. But he did not make the required return pass. His accomplishments are great, but the rules are simple. Go from A to B and back to A.
Don Vesco:

Well, for some reason the video is not working. If you type in "Rocket Car @ Bonneville" in the YouTube search, it will come up.

After watching "the fastest Indian" I am really into Bonneville instead of just drag racing.I hope to someday get there to live it for real

thanks for the videos
I was lucky enough to go this year . Me and 2 mates flow in from England to San Fransisco then drove up to Sacramento Vintage Fords and then on to Winnemuca Flying A Garage, see some neat stuff, then on to Bonneville for 4 days then back to Pleasanton for the Good Guys show. A holiday to remember and get lots of friendly people and took about 800 pics .Aren't didital cameras good .
I try to make it every year whenever possible. I have a few friends that run land speed cars out there. Just keep waiting for one to make history, in a good way of course. you do realize that is holy ground.

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