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Time to stand up again

It would seem that getting his ticket punched, last Tuesday, has produced some positive results -

Let us hope and pray the bureaucrats within the FCC are listening. But let us not forget that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is also a former cable lobbyist, so he's not likely to roll over and play dead. I don't think he's prepared to take on both the White House and the American people, but perhaps Obama's statement about net neutrality will remind Wheeler he occupies an appointed position.

Russia Today is reporting that Popular Resistance is blockading the drive at Wheeler's home, to serve as a reminder that if he ignores Title II reclassification demands, then he is not working for the American people, but for companies like Comcast and Verizon, who paid his wages when he served as a lobbyist for the cable industry. Which of course, is a stark reminder that by appointing Wheeler to his chairmanship, Obama allowed the fox entry to the henhouse.

Read the RT article...
I hope he stands by his words!
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What really truely chaps my ass, is that you confront all these assassine bastards, they back down, then, when its time for them to take care of business, they back down and go on their own little agendas. Right now there are several country's overseas that the gov's trying to force internet tax's down folks throats. They damn near had a revolution on their hands and its not done by a long shot.
The Gov. would love nothing better than to take TOTAL control of it for their own slimey agendas and tax the hell outta it.
Thank god I won't be around when it starts to get really ugly....
Fight for the Future is throwing a Party at the FCC, tonight. For those not in the District of Columbia, there are parties scheduled nationwide.

Personally, I feel one of our biggest problems is that when demonstrations of this kind take place, seven people show up. The local TV station shows up makes a 10-second clip of all seven people, the politicos see it as the credits are rolling at the end of the late-night news, and they figure no one really cares.

But how can you expect people to show up for a protest demonstration, when Survivor comes on in another 20 minutes, and then there is a new episode of Cops coming on after that. Let me get to the kitchen, to make another sammich and grab another jumbo bag of chips and a beer, while Jeopardy is at commercial. Hell, we cannot even get 30% of the registered voters to show up at the polls, so no sense in counting on anyone to show up for a protest. And have you ever noticed, it is the same people who said their votes wouldn't count, who stayed home from the polls, and who now complain the loudest about the numpties sitting in office? But it is a sure cinch that when the next elections roll around, those same people will roll over and play dead, all over again.

When people in other countries get a belly-full of nonsense, they take to the streets by the tens of thousands. They are carrying posters and waving flags, and the sheer numbers of people gets everyone's attention. And they make things happen, whereas all the American Joe Couch Potatoes sit back and let things happen.
Doesn't matter what the Feds say now. Once they get involved it will go bad. Always does when they try to protect us from the bad guys.....they are the bad guys.
Because of the exorbitant prices charged by the cable companies over the years, that industry has always appeared to be one of the most stable industries in America. But the truth is winning out and now that industry ranks at the bottom of customer satisfaction surveys. And the only way they know how to improve their sales is to spend more lobbying dollars on Capital Hill (<--- yes, that is misspelled intentionally).

When the last mile regulations starting hitting, the phone companies threw in the towel and gave up. Which also made it easy for the Comcasts of this country to grab more market share. What taxpayers could not understand was that with simple steps like .5% local tax increases, municipalities could have afforded to wire neighborhoods themselves. And then, taxpayer would control their own destinies. Instead, people stamped their feet and allowed cable companies to step in and start building their empires. And trust me, if you think dealing with your cable company is a bad thing, wait until this Comcast / Time-Warner deal comes together.

On the other hand, communities who decided things like TV service and Internet service should be considered the same as any other utility are now seeing fantastic fiber connections at incredibly low prices.

And this whole net neutrality issue is just like any other important issue in this country. The government is involved, when it is clearly not a political matter. And the average Joe is ignoring all of it, figuring he just needs to know how much to make the check out to and where he needs to mail it. But what happens to Joe, when a company like Comcast grows even larger and decides it is time to put a choke hold on companies like Netflix and Hulu? See, everyone thinks Comcast is a cable service provider, but they are much, much more than that. They are also a content provider. Do you know who owns E! Entertainment, NBCSN, NBCUniversal, The Golf Channel, and Telemundo? That is all Comcast. Why would a content provider want you using their network to stream content from another content provider?

But when you look at what happened when Google decided to move into Kansas, with its own fiber network, you see that prices suddenly started getting better and services started improving. Because the service providers realized they had some serious competition, so they were either going to have to wear a game face, or roll over and play dead.

And now, the FCC is relying on scare tactics (which always work remarkably well in this country), suggesting that net neutrality is going to lead to an Internet tax. See, there is the magic, scare word - tax. If Average Joe can get his head pulled out of that dark, moist place he has inserted it, he will see the scare-mongering for what it is. But we all know that won't happen, because Joe is always all in with whatever the media is trying to make him believe. Yaaaaaaa, we are all going to DIE of Ebola! Anyone remember the H1N1 scare? And guess what, it is time for the Christmas shopping season to start, so depend on some White House talking head releasing 'unconfirmed but reliable data' on impending terrorist attacks on this country. The government milked Osama bin Laden for everything they could get, so they 'killed' him, but here it is, 2014, and we need something new to scare the world with, so let's usher in ISIS/ISIL/IS. Remember when Obama told you that al CIAda had been decimated, a few years back? Well, now, he wants you to believe that ISIS/ISIL/IS is made up of former, high-ranking officials of al CIAda. I guess alCIAda wasn't decimated, after all, aye? I laugh my backside off, because the moderate rebels in Syria and Iraq (you know, the ones fighting with U.S.-supplied weapons, and driving all of those Toyota trucks we bought and paid for) simply consider themselves to be rebels, whilst the White House cannot decide if they are ISIS, ISISL, or just plain-old IS. The White House doesn't want to offend anyone, but they need to be sure you know that is an Islamic organization, because it has taken years to whip Americans into their current state of Islamophobia.

Any Google Chrome users seeing the Google pleas to donate money to fight Ebola? Or the Facebook ads to donate money to fight Ebola? Those hogs got their snouts stuck in the trough a wee bit late, because the Ebola scare wasn't. Oh, yeah, the U.S. Ebola epidemic of 2014 was a horrible thing. It was a terrible disease that killed all of one person. :rolleyes:

People, stop believing everything you hear at the water cooler. Take a look at the realities of net neutrality, brought to you by the humorous minds at The Oatmeal, who really went off on Ted Cruz' inane comments. This bit is funny, but it makes the point very clear.

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