Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Total Performance Bat wings


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There has been some discussion about bat wings and bracket and making them. I drew up a Total Performace bat wing and cut it on the CNC plasma. Cutting time about 3 minutes. I blow the bolt holes in at .100" then go and drill them with a cobalt drill bit. The total timne to make 2 of thes bat wings is about 15 minutes. Look at the edge finish the plasma cutter leaves. The edges have just had a very quick pass with a bench wire wheel to clean them off.


These will sell for $25.00 for the pair.
Ron those look really good, and an excelent price. If all goes right I hope to do some business with you about the first of april.... Francis
That really is a good price. Push them to your Ebay store, I think they'll sell great there as well!


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