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Twenty inches of snow in Tulsa


Wow we are really getting slammed new record for snowfall here in Tulsa 16 inches and 20 is the target
So Rooster, ya think the maturnity wards gonna be busy around the first of oct.?

The leading edge of the storm rolled into NW Central Indiana about an hour ago. We're just getting sleet, at this point. But they are assuring us we'll have 10" of snow by daybreak and at least another 5" will fall tomorrow, before it rolls back out of here. Yippee. Flippin'. Skippy. :rolleyes:
The leading edge of the storm rolled into NW Central Indiana about an hour ago. We're just getting sleet, at this point. But they are assuring us we'll have 10" of snow by daybreak and at least another 5" will fall tomorrow, before it rolls back out of here. Yippee. Flippin'. Skippy. :rolleyes:

Good thing you have that short commute to work Mike!! Lets see...bedroom, to bathroom, to kitchen, to office....maybe 1/16th of a mile per day? Gallons (of coffee) per mile probably isn't great though. :coffee:

Here in Indy, its just getting crappy again. Looks like I'll be playing in the shop tomorrow instead of the office!:yay:
This is a good reminder of why I put up with the Summer heat in Vegas. I was out on riding today. :jester: Y'all try and stay warm back East.
Sleet and ice yesterday. Just enough snow to make it miserable driving today(white outs every so often). The 20 below wind chill today and propane up to a buck eighty a gallon is what really sucks.
For farmers, --this isn't ideal for producing America's food supply.Ranchers are scurrying to protect their animals from brutal winds and to have drinking water and hay.
We woke up to -30 and now about -18 at 15:30 with about two inches of snow since yesterday.

We drove in yesterday in light blowing snow the last hundred miles from a wonderful 75 in Phoenix on Saturday.

We are very fortunate to have gotten in when we did as I don't have my studded snow tires on yet.

Is there a less annoying way to start a sentence than "we"? Our propane is prepaid in August based on last years useage and at a better price. Our useage is already up from last year and I don't look forward to the current price to replenish.

The wood stove in the kitchen has been working overtime and that wood pile is shrinking.

It must be that global warming thing.
I remember a couple of years ago when Colorado was bragging to take the cold spot away from International Falls MN. But I am in Wis so just waiting on the cold to dip here for the next couple days.
We had sleet and ice this morning. Never got warm enough to melt it; and it wasn't forecast until noon. Supposed to be the coldest in 15 years tonight.

The question I always ask: How cold would it have to get to start worrying about the next ice age instead of global warming?
Only talking -1 here it is balmy. Take off your dresses man. LOL
Only talking -1 here it is balmy. Take off your dresses man. LOL
Putz i will be leaving mine on . We in oklahoma get a snow once everyother year lasts a few days and snap its over. This snow was a 100 year record breaker 21 inches plus 15 miles north where my daughter lives and 15 inches here, i measures 19 in the middle of my front yard today. whew were not use to this!!!
Well, the meteorologists (a.k.a. Chicken Little) missed it by a mile. Yesterday morning, we were meant to get 8" - 10" of snow. By noon, it was up to 10" - 12". By 3:00, it was 12" - 15". We might have picked up 3.5". Maybe. I can still see tufts of grass peeking up through the snow in areas, so it's just no that deep.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling. But it accomplished what it was meant to do, as the grocery stores sold out of bread and milk and the hardware stores sold out of generators, as the lemmings were lined up to jump off the cliff. :rolleyes:

I was watching the local news at about 6:00, this morning. The weather lassie said we were likely to get another couple inches of snow, give or take an inch. They cut from the weather room to interview the local sheriff, who said he didn't want people driving unless it was essential, because we're meant to get another 3" - 5" of snow. WHAT?!? That's the same BS that started the big scare, 24 hours ago.

For the record, I predict we will have weather today. But everyone better go stock up for Snowpocalypse 2011, the snowstorm to end all snowstorms. :rofl:
I got up at 5:30 this morning and we had 18" on the ground, all 3 doors on the house had 3' - 4' drifts against them and couldn't be opened. I had to crawl out a window in the front of the house and make my way around to the back. It took me 30 minutes to shovel a path across the back deck to the kitchen door and then clear it to let the dogs out. I've been going out about every 30 minutes to keep the back door and the path across the deck open as the snow continues to fall. I'm just waiting for the snow fall to stop so I can make my way out to the garage where I have a 32" 13hp snowblower ready to go.
Oregon is the nation's largest grass seed producer and farmers in the state haven't had a winter like this in 2011, but they have had years in which their crops are damaged due to weather severe conditions.--Any time wheat, grass seed,or livestocks are severely affected by winter storms, the prices for America's food and grain supply are impacted as well.
The Quakers have a saying that I like, "better ye than thee". Weather is one very big reason that I moved from northeast Ohio to central Florida.

When florida breaks off jim and floats away we who speak the language will come rescue you. "Ola" or Que vola mi ambia!!!!
When I was in school in Geo 101 the prof was the expert on theSan Andreas fault.. He'd start every class with "today's the day" meaning the San Andreas fault was going to go off today....LOL It was eventually going to move Los Angeles up next to San three million years.

Back then, he and the experts were still predicting a coming ice age and had a resonably logical logic tree to support that theory.... to some degree Pangea was still a theory though supported by seven indicators of plate theory. My, how we've advanced.

Today, it seems we're not interested in pure science, but rather politically adjusted science.

Yes, we're seeing changes in climate. Some has to do with the speed of information. some has to do with science (well, except for weather forcasting which is about as scientific as Voo-Doo) and some has to do with politics. The fact the subject has anything to do with politics is disconcerting.

My opinion is; There has always been climate change and with luck there always will be, however, whether it is man caused has not been proven to my satisfaction and when I see the Supreme Court cavalierly designating CO2 as a dangerous green house gas, control of which shall be assigned to the EPA, color me suspicious.

Well there, I've done it again. I've taken the group to an area not particularly associated with T buckets. Ah, if I am due for a dressing down, I'll take it as obviously I didn't have to post this.

I need to get out of the house...... tomorrow I hope and my wife seconds that, for sure, for sure.

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