Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Twenty inches of snow in Tulsa

Thought provoking, that's for sure. What I do know is there is changes in the fishing business. Habitat and spawning grounds. A lot of scientists scratching their heads. Too many people and too many cars. We've taken from God's green planet and have given nothing back. Animals are disappearing. One thing for certain, things are changing, and not for the better.
The world has undergone climate changes in the past and I am quite confident those trends will continue. I'm sure greenhouse gases had nothing to do with the mini ice age Europe experienced in the 19th Century.

But I am also quite confident we are not being good stewards of all we have been given to enjoy. People have known about the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patches for years, but how many people are aware that another patch is growing in the Atlantic Ocean? Or that another patch is forming near Antarctica?

Mother Nature is very adept at maintaining the very delicate balance of ecology and we're acting the parts of bulls in her china shop.

I'm certainly no tree-hugger, but when we can generate power from the wind or from the motion of ocean waves, why are we creating smog and nuclear waste to do the same thing? But how many of you have talked with your elected officials to ask them where they stand on clean, renewable energy? Anyone?? How many of you have decided to quit buying bottled water, to keep from choking our landfills and waterways with plastic? Anyone??

The problems of this world cannot be fixed by people sitting on their duffs. We're all going to have to be proactive, if we are to hope to succeed. Sure, I hear you saying that you're only one person, drinking one bottle of water. What happens when the other 310,749,167 American citizens use the same excuse? It's easy to see what happens -


And that's not some third-world community in the background, boys and girls. That is Los Angeles, California.

When it comes to being good stewards of this world, we're either part of the solution or we're part of the problem. There is no in-between.
Being wasteful is never a good idea. But are you ready to outlaw hotrods? How about fireplaces? Woodstoves? Any car getting less than 50 mpg?

It's probably a good time to step back and ask just what we're willing to do, and, if we do it, will there be any improvement for ourselves and others.
My uncle lives in mesa when we were out their for thanks giving i ask him . Where do you keep your wood for your fire place he told me the permit for the burning wasnt worth it anymore . City permit for fireplaces ARG whats next.
Snowing again here in St. Louis. It's been a bad winter for this part of the country. Reminds me of when I lived in Milwaukee. But, once they get the roads cleared it's OK. Two weeks from today I'll be at the Daytona Speedway getting ready for the Nationwide race. Even if it's only 60 it'll be a whole lot better than what we've got here.

Hey Ex-Junk, I'll try to look you up since my wife's daughter lives just a few miles from you. I'll keep you posted.


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