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Rip VW

Active Member
What does everyone know about using a unisteer rack for cross steering on a straight axle in their T.
I am having trouble trying to find enough room on my T to fit a vega box exactally where I want it.

My frame at the front is pinched so tight I am having trouble gaining enough clearance between the frame and the 351W oil filter adaptor. My frame is only 20 inches wide at that point and in order to clear the adaptor I need to drop the box down to where the box upper bolt is about mid point between the top and bottom of the frame rail. This doesn't leave much frame to attach the mounting plate for the box to.

I am still looking at options on mounting the box and this unisteer rack looked to be an easy way to do the steering. My main concern is does the unisteer have enough travel to turn my wheels sharp enough to make a decent turning radius. My concerns are based on a 67 Mustang I built for my brother back in 2010. He wanted rack and pinion steering so I added a Steeroids rack and pinion conversion kit for him and it lost a lot of turning radius due to lack of travel of the rack.

So if anyone has any knowledge of the unisteer or any reports of how well it works just step up and tell your story.. Thanks :cool:
I am using a unisteer in my project. My rack will be mounted at the firewall inside the frame. A rod will go forward to a bell crank connected to the right wheel. The steering ratio can be altered by changing the bell crank arm length. My frame rails are only 13” apart I think.
DSCN8385.jpg DSCN8390.jpg This is how mine worked I did not see much change in the turning radius and I really like the way it steers so I will live with a small change there. This can be adapted under the frame or behind the Radaitor......
I have one setup as a cross steer but if I had to do it again I would mount it like @lincolnuT did. Now that I think about it, I may just do that in the White T II.
The filter bracket is an adaptor for a remote mounted filter and without the adaptor big holes in the block. I did see an adaptor made by ford racing where the base is thinner but they like the adaptor to the tune of $130.00. I am hoping to find a workaround.

I like the idea of a cowl type steering (Don't know what else to call it but it looks simple and clean but I am a bit beyond that stage to change the whole thing now..

409 T, What do you like or not like about using the unisteer in a cross steer setup? Oh and what do you think you would do differently?
I like the Unisteer mounted to the frame rail like @lincolnuT 's because it eliminates the need for a long steering shaft. He has only one double u-joint, to snake around headers and other stuff I had to run a double and 2 singles. I used as many shaft bearings as I could fit and staked the shafts for the set screws, but still the system has to be tightened up every so often. I would rather keep it simple.
I am using a unisteer in my project. My rack will be mounted at the firewall inside the frame. A rod will go forward to a bell crank connected to the right wheel. The steering ratio can be altered by changing the bell crank arm length. My frame rails are only 13” apart I think.

Do you have any pictures of that set up? I to have been thinking of a R&P. Still in the design stage and at my age I might well have a laptop buried with me and finish it later.
Somewhere there is a whole thread on my set up but cant find it. You will
never regret using a rack rather than a box.

Hand brake lever and column 2 final (9) [640x480] [640x480].JPG

Steering oct 08 (38) [640x480] [640x480].JPG

low shot of rack.JPG

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