Rip VW
Active Member
What does everyone know about using a unisteer rack for cross steering on a straight axle in their T.
I am having trouble trying to find enough room on my T to fit a vega box exactally where I want it.
My frame at the front is pinched so tight I am having trouble gaining enough clearance between the frame and the 351W oil filter adaptor. My frame is only 20 inches wide at that point and in order to clear the adaptor I need to drop the box down to where the box upper bolt is about mid point between the top and bottom of the frame rail. This doesn't leave much frame to attach the mounting plate for the box to.
I am still looking at options on mounting the box and this unisteer rack looked to be an easy way to do the steering. My main concern is does the unisteer have enough travel to turn my wheels sharp enough to make a decent turning radius. My concerns are based on a 67 Mustang I built for my brother back in 2010. He wanted rack and pinion steering so I added a Steeroids rack and pinion conversion kit for him and it lost a lot of turning radius due to lack of travel of the rack.
So if anyone has any knowledge of the unisteer or any reports of how well it works just step up and tell your story.. Thanks
I am having trouble trying to find enough room on my T to fit a vega box exactally where I want it.
My frame at the front is pinched so tight I am having trouble gaining enough clearance between the frame and the 351W oil filter adaptor. My frame is only 20 inches wide at that point and in order to clear the adaptor I need to drop the box down to where the box upper bolt is about mid point between the top and bottom of the frame rail. This doesn't leave much frame to attach the mounting plate for the box to.
I am still looking at options on mounting the box and this unisteer rack looked to be an easy way to do the steering. My main concern is does the unisteer have enough travel to turn my wheels sharp enough to make a decent turning radius. My concerns are based on a 67 Mustang I built for my brother back in 2010. He wanted rack and pinion steering so I added a Steeroids rack and pinion conversion kit for him and it lost a lot of turning radius due to lack of travel of the rack.
So if anyone has any knowledge of the unisteer or any reports of how well it works just step up and tell your story.. Thanks