Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Update on Miss Behavin'


Well-Known Member
As expected, things are moving as slow as syrup trying to go uphill. The city of Houston attorney contacted my lawyer and said they want to see the car. They didn't say when. I can only hope they will even know what they are looking at. In the meantime, no accident report is available yet, but considering we had the dang hurricane, that was expected.

I'm slowly learning to be patient, but the weather has gotten great and thoughts of how cool it would be to drive my car are killing me. She'll be back and I'll get through this, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I have comfort in the fact that I'll be able to give some kind of advice to others who may end up in this situation.

Thanks to everyone who has offered concern, advice and words of motivation. Times like this produce the knowledge of true friends and I have you guys. That's top shelf in my books.
I can't speak for every body else, but if I know these fellers, like I think I know them........we are all glad that you were not injured worse than you were. you and I are alot alike in one area.....we both are not the most patient people:eek::lol::lol:.......but one day you and Miss Behavin' will be back in the wind.:cool:

God bless you Fred.....and Miss Behavin':D

On a plus side, I have to go to the doctor everyday, but the physical therapist is a looker. I got a REALLY great neck & back massage the other day. ;) Now, git yer minds out of the gutter!:lol:
I'm 61 years old. I like having my mind in the gutter. Gotta keep a pulse somehow. What say you Youngster?
der Spieler said:
I'm 61 years old. I like having my mind in the gutter. Gotta keep a pulse somehow. What say you Youngster?

5'6", give or take. Nice build and a charming personality. Ranch land in the Rio Grand valley with livestock (horses and cattle). Oh.... massage specialist. wander. I sure as heck did.:lol:
I say if you don't get out of the way, I'll have to crawl up the curb to get around you. Just remember, at our age it's that cute lod guy. Five years ago it would have been that old pervert.

Youngster said:
I say if you don't get out of the way, I'll have to crawl up the curb to get around you. Just remember, at our age it's that cute lod guy. Five years ago it would have been that old pervert.


Truth. When yer young and slap a nice butt, ya get slapped in the face. But Iv'e seen the old guys called "cute" for doing the same thing. I can't wait for the golden years to hit.:lol:
I had a girl run a stop sign and hit my left rear tire as I was going down the street and it rotated the rearend out from under the car and it sat down on the oil pan in the street. The insurance man called and said "I understand my client ran into your dunebuggy". Well, when he came he told me he didn't know where to start estimating this kind of car so he said he would need to rely on my honesty and intreregity not to get to him to bad. I settled for $4500. I fixed it for $900 and chromed everything I could unbolt! Oh, did I mention that was 1970?
fred i hope everything works in your favor.. once my wife paid for me to get a massage facial. i resisted until i got there. the girl was 5,5 ft laid me down on a table that was 5ft tall and when she leaned over to do her job all i could see was boods and she did rub them on my face. love it. wife said no more
Wow, I'm new here and was just reading about your accident. I drive my dad's T-bucket to some shows around here as he brings his other car and that has always concerned me about getting in an accident. What are you using for seatbelts and how did you mount them?
Good luck putting it back together, I'll be following your progress.
old round fart said:
he would need to rely on my honesty and intreregity not to get to him to bad. I settled for $4500. I fixed it for $900 and chromed everything I could unbolt! Oh, did I mention that was 1970?

online inflation calculator said:
What cost $4500 in 1970 would cost $23782.63 in 2007.

damn nice pay check :eek:

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