Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Upgrade! Bigger! Stronger! Faster!

Thanks, Mr. T Bucket. I answered your message and thanks VERY much. Thanks, also, madmike8. I answered Mr. T's message before seeing your post. But thanks for the offer. You guys are great!
I went to a cruise-in with some friends today and the old girl purred like a kitten the whole day. It was a good 30 mile run one way and my temp stayed at 180* and oil pressure at a steady 45psi. The guages stayed in one spot so long, I thought they were broke! LOL I'm really loving this new engine.
Thanks again, man! I'll post some pics as soon as I get it. It's been a while, so don't be affraid of the quantity.

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