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Valve cover breathers


I see by your initial drawing you have Chevy fuelie heads (we know these things when we see'em) so do you have hardened seats?.... no Paris, I mean in the heads, not inside the car.

Man, I sure hope my car starts tomorrow... I gotta get outa' here.

heres my cut on this.
I like the Valve covers I have and they only come with either 1 or 2 holes. So I went for the one hole version on both sides. The one hole will be used for the breather. My T has a 1972 Tag on it so it does not need emission stuff. (Only real reason to put crankcase vapours back in to the combustion chamber is to burn them and clean up the emissions... right. Before you even mention oil leaks, the old engines that ran breathers without this EGR (environmental gas recycling) crap, never had oil leaks if you built them with care.

I am not running a carb and inlet manifold set up I am running a EFI with 8 throttle bodies on separate manifold plates and a vally plate in the middle.
Gerry, How about putting a fitting into that top valley cover, and draw from there instead of the valve covers?? Easier to hide also... Will vent without oil hitting that fitting... ?? :)

There is NO way I am going to drill 2 of my throttle bodies to accept a pipe from the vale cover. cause it aint pretty enough. So with a pre emission tag I am going to vent the unburnt hydrocarbons to atmosphere. People behind can enjoy the smell and shield their kids from it in case they sneeze LOL

My bet is with the EFI thats on the car it will run cleaner than most carb set up out there on the road.

You done it again you old dog.
So busy looking at the vavle covers I totally missed the idea of running out from the valley plate. Its even got a threaded hole with a plug in it at the back. I was going tom use this to fill and top up the engine oil.

Ha so now I can run a single pipe from the valley plate and make something smooth and pretty for the valve covers.

Too busy looking to see the trees... eh

After Teds words of wisdom I needed to have another think about blanking the VC breather holes so a few sketches later it hit me.
The torx headed pins I used on all the suspension pivots had a good look to them
I layed a spare one on the hole in the VC and it looks OK. Also matches the VC bolts and continues the theme. A couple of holes later and using a couple of spare pins I had, the job is a good one.

Now to run a breather pipe from the rear end of the valley plate.

The heads were part of the HO engine and feature dual spring on the rockers and D port heads. Not sure if they are GMs own or aftermarket ones they bought in. The engine was a GM product and purchased from then direct.
Kinda Dumb Question: (fill in blank) ___13___

Do they? ... no Paris, I don't know who they are. If I did, I would talk to them.

Do they make a valley cover for an earlier SBC's? I'd love to make some throttle bodies and home brew EFI for a SBC if I could buy a valley cover unless of course, they want more than twenty-five bucks for it.

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