Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Virtual Friends


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Once upon a time a friend was someone you knew on sight, someone you shook hands with, had coffee or a beer with. You probably had been in his house, knew his family, and recognized him on the phone. Today we also meet and befriend people online; I call them virtual friends. We usually don't know what they look like, where they live, or what they do when they aren't online. But we now can have hundreds of friends who share our interests. I've lost a dozen friends in the last few years. Classmates, coworkers, drinking buddies. But 3 of them were virtual friends, including Ted Brown and now Mike. I never met them in person and never will. It's a strange experience. I feel I need some closure (hate that word), but am clueless. Words, especially typed on a computer, can't convey the sadness and helplessness I feel. I want to vent, to pay my respects, to say so long and thanks for all the fish (I think Ted and Mike would smile at that).
I never thought of if like that, but well said !
I've really enjoyed this forum , got to know[as well as can be expected on a forum] some good guys , like minded guys ,problem solvers.... unfortunatley , Mike was the glue that held us together, I often disagreed w/him & it was fun to "poke" him occasionally , just to watch the fireworks, I think he knew that [never said anything to prove otherwise] in short , I miss the banter. If this place goes away [which it probably will] I hope I catch up w/ "you guys" somewhere else...

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