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Warn Status


New Member
What is Warn Status and how did I get it specifically? I clicked on it and there are no details. I've looked through my last couple of posts and can't see a problem - someone here a bit overly sensitive? I'm only here for an exchange of Tech info. I've looked through here and I see a three strikes and you out policy. What gives?
Warn status Here is a link to a former discussion on this subject. If your bar is empty nothing to worry about you only see your own
Thanks Putz
OK so every one has it now - it's only when ya breach forum rules that it starts getting it filled in. I get it.
Think of it this way. An old farmer took a new wife and right after the wedding they were sitting on the porch. The mans dog started to act up and the man went up to him and looked him in the eye and said "This is your first warning to stop that !" The dog calmed down but a little while later he started to bark and carry on again and this time the farmer got off his chair and kicked the dog until the dog ran off yelping.

The new bride was totally shocked by this and said to the man, "That is the worst thing I have ever seen a person do, you should be ashamed !" The farmer looked her in the eyes and said "That's one !" :laugh:

one what?

When I was a wee child, I had done something to land myself in hot water. I know, it's hard to believe, but it's true. ;) The old boy was fixing to tawse my backside and I asked him why he never gave me the count of three. You know, the old, "If you don't stop in the count of three, I'll beat your backside," line.

The old boy already had me by the arm, so he agreed to give me the count of three. And you know, my feet came clear of the floor on One, on Two and again on Three. Heck, he didn't have any problem with counting, not in the least. And it only took that one lesson to learn to do exactly what he said and exactly when he said it. He's been gone 3 years and my heart still aches with missing him.
Years age there was a couple married 80 years , they were interviewed by a T V station, they asked the wife how they had got along so good for so many years , she said when they come home after the wedding the horse pulling the wagon stopped at the gate. the new husband told the horse giddy up and the horse just stood there , the husband pulled out a gun and shot the horse. She said from that day on he never had to tell her anything twice.

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