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Way,way, way off topic


I don't always pollute in my Track-T, below are (2) clean Ford diesels and one fully electric Smart car.


Bringing it home from the Port of Tacoma


Topping off the "tank".


At home in sunny SoCal.

I don't always pollute in my Track-T, below are (2) clean Ford diesels and one fully electric Smart car.

because it's a bit OT I've give you my "short rant" ;)

An electric vehicle IS NOT GREEN!! The fueling of electric cars mearly relocates the polution to a part of the country that the car doesn't happen to be at the moment. Are we aware of what the largest polluter of Carbon Dioxide in the USA is? yup. electric generating plants.
I do love the concept of the new generation of micro cars, and applaude the advent of diverse fueling options, but straight electric is not the answer.
I still give you an E for effort however, and I'll bet the smart is a kick to whirrr around in. ;)


Your right on both counts, a lot of fun to drive (true plug and play, doesn't even need brake jobs), and IF I charged off the mains, would be shifting the pollution (to a lesser degree) somewhere else. The resort I live at in SoCal has expanded past some of their transformers capabilities and we lose power a couple times a year. Because of this I have solar panals keeping 48 Kw/hr worth of 6 volt golf cart batteries fully charged. I have a charge controller on the output of the solar panals to keep from gassing the batteries after they reach full charge. I feel this wasteful of the panals output, so to keep the controller from turning off the charge to the battery bank, I charge all my electric vehicles off of my battery bank.

With the UK going thro a big freeze one of the things thats come to light is a problems with electric cars. You know the one that all the 'celebs' got, well it seems in the cold, that their performance and range has been cut by about 50% due to the effect of the cold on the batteries. I also have to agree with Russ on the pollution thing. (spent 20 years working in air pollution for the environment and workplace) Disposal of batteries is never taken in to account and they have the bad boys of pollution in them. Heavy metals such as Lithium, Nickle, Cadmium, Chromium are as toxic as you can get. I use this battery thing when giving talks to school kids. They understand because everything they have and use seems to be battery powered these days.
Now on to the production miles of these batteries. Talk about food miles! left in the dark by the amount of energy used to produce and make a set of batteries for a vehicle. Also consider the losses in this process. From the extraction of the prime energy source (coal, gas etc) to the conversion to electricity, to its distribution, to the transformer for your car, to the storage and final used to move a vehicle. Its a chain full of losses, so efficient its not.

Sorry to go on but its one of my pet hates by enviro do gooders. Incidentally when they can get an electric vehicle system with an efficiency anywhere near the efficiency of an internal combustion engine then they may be getting somewhere.

Anyway back to gas guzzling T Buckets
OK then, is this gas guzzeling at its finest?


This is where I first learned how the SoCal boys did building my 383 stroker. I said "forget the hp, give me lots of torque as low as I can get it". 516 ft/lbs @ 2800rpms.


And of course we would not be doing our job it we neglected turning the young into motorheads.


This is the cute picture of little Miss Motorhead


3 questions.

A- what kind of rear impact protection does it have? The seat are very close to the back window.

B- What is the service life of the batteries? I hear they are very pricey to replace.

C - Do you drive with the windows down and make revving noises with your mouth so blind people know you are coming?????? Maybe you could put baseball cards in the rims like we did as kids.
The smart car has surprisingly alot of room inside it is built with a roll cage that takes hits really well. But without crumple zones I think your body would take alot of the shock.

Spirit makes a mini-body......$250. Give them a call, look at their web site in the fiberglass body section.
3 questions.

A- what kind of rear impact protection does it have? The seat are very close to the back window.

B- What is the service life of the batteries? I hear they are very pricey to replace.

C - Do you drive with the windows down and make revving noises with your mouth so blind people know you are coming?????? Maybe you could put baseball cards in the rims like we did as kids.
A.) not much
b.) cheap lead acid, maybe 5 years, only 13 kw/hr (10) 105 a/hr 12 volt in series. Motor 8.5kw 3 phase AC
c.) keep the stereo loud, the blind will think its a parade.
I had taken this photo of a Smart on our cross country bike trip in 2007. The Smarts wheel base is 71 inches, the bike is 116 inches. Now I'm not mocking the Smart, it's a good car for what is was desigened to do. And as far as safety Id rather crash a Smart then my bucket.

I had taken this photo of a Smart on our cross country bike trip in 2007. The Smarts wheel base is 71 inches, the bike is 116 inches. Now I'm not mocking the Smart, it's a good car for what is was desigened to do. And as far as safety Id rather crash a Smart then my bucket.

Can't get any greener than a recumbant built for two. There is someone else here with my warped, tree hugging sensibilities, hot rods and bikes and/or electric cars. Thanks bentbaggerlen, I thought I was all alone out on this forum. I'm still waiting for blownT's comments.

There is a Smart Car for the GOFAST guy also.


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