Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               


Damn I thought it was cold here in Artesia this morning at 26 degrees & very light rain but I will go sit in the corner now.
After reading all those temps I'm REALLY glad that I moved to Florida. It's 9:45 Am now and it's 79 degrees and sunny.

It's a toss-up , you pay the power co. For AC , I pay the gas co for heat ...
I personally can't tolerate the humidity in Fla.
7 degrees here in Broken Arrow, OK. right now and received about 1/2" of snow last night. Weather man says it may hit 70 Saturday, so all is well. Wish that I was on natural gas at my home. Cool winters propane gets high cost for about 2 months. My bill has been a bit over 5 Franklins since Jan. 1st.
Yep, my house in Wisconsin is heated by propane and it gets damn expensive in the cold of winter and I don't live there full time!
My son lives just outside of Raleigh, NC and the first summer he moved there we went to visit him. We woke up in the morning, showered and went outside. 10 minutes later we were soaking wet. I asked how he tolerated the humidity and he said" Look at it this way, you stay inside all winter. We stay inside all summer!' Go figure.
I don't like the cold but I'll take the changing seasons with not such extreme heat and humidity.
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You ever notice how everything is relative , one complains about the cost to heat his vacation home , others will complain about not being able to afford a vacation home , it seems it's human nature to want what we don't have ,I'm as guilty as anyone ....seems we all suffer from one form or the other of " 2 foot,-itus that boat owners suffer from .LOL
I hibernated all weekend. Had the wife put on a pot of chili Saturday morning and did nothing all weekend but eat & watch tv.
I like your wife, she is very nice to you !!! ......My wife would have a slightly different response ???
Thanks! She certainly is Rick. 34 years and still putting up with me says a lot. Nothing phases her after what I put her through back when I was racing. She's always been my #1 supporter and my rock.
Wind blew here today like the hounds of hell. It laid down when the sun went down which made for some good night cruising. Carb leak is fixed and I put some good Sylvania bright white 9003 bulbs in my headlamp housings. They lit up the night. HUGE difference over the junk bulbs that came with the housings. They were so yellow & dim I could barely see 5 feet in front of the car. Looked more like running lights than headlights. Got the speedo wired today as well, so I plan on calibrating it tomorrow and may be take a run to the lake.
Hey, Jet . . . just a thought: you should update your avatar to show that nice paint job! :thumbsup:
Hey Spanky ...... we don't talk about paint jobs around Jet !!! ;) hehehehe !

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