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Website Question


New Member
Have noticed that I can not get this website to come up at alot of public wifi servers (my work, coffee shops, etc). But the HAMB site always works every where I go.

The web/IT guy at where I work says that it is a registration problem. Is there any way to make our site my available to people?
It's the first I've heard of anyone having an issue accessing with wi-fi.

I've never had a problem with it at all. I can access the site via wi-fi with my Android. (Although I much prefer using 3G.)

I'll look into it a little later this morning.
I just got to thinking, you are mentioning a couple of different possibilities. Merely accessing a Web site has nothing to do with registration.

When you say you are having problems, are you saying you simply cannot see the site from some wi-fi locations?

Or are you saying if you log into the site from one location that you cannot remain logged in when trying to access from another location? If that is the case, then everything is working just as intended. If your IP address changes, you will be logged out. We use part of the IP address you log in with for session validation. If that bit changes, the session is dropped. All you can do at that point is to develop the habit of logging in and logging out for each visit.
what I get is "prohibited website/forum site".

My work also blocks facebook, youtube and basically any site you can download from.
Well, that's certainly nothing to do with this site. Ask your IT people to not block the site and you should be good to go.

Some companies will block access to sites that contain large files (music files, videos, etc.) and that may be the case here. In the case of a work environment, I guess I really can't blame them.
"This Websense category is filtered: Message Boards and Forums"

Actual message.

IT told me they have no control on the filters.

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