At several times in the past, I've considered different ways to communicate to our users when this site is down.
I did submit a tweet to Twitter, when we were starting to get some firmed-up repair time ETAs. I really don't know how many of our users actually use Twitter, so I've no way of knowing if that tweet was useful or not. If you are so inclined, you can
follow us on Twitter.
I really don't know that many of you are using Facebook. As a result, I've never bothered setting up a Facebook page.
During the downtime, eighteen of my e-mail accounts were also out of business. And who should I send e-mails to, never knowing who gives a rat's rectum and who doesn't. I still had seven addresses up and running, but I doubt most of you actually know my name and would delete the e-mail out of hand. Many of you would likely see the e-mail get shunted into a Junk folder and I already know how few of you ever check those. As a quick aside, When all of those eighteen e-mail accounts lit back up, I had over 200 messages to wade through, so apologies to anyone who found the wait for a response off-putting.
I've considered setting up a WordPress blog on a separate domain and a separate server in another datacenter, so I could use that site to keep people informed if problems arise here. But I find people never manage to see informational topics on this site. So if I were to post a topic suggesting people bookmark to check when this site is down, maybe three of you would read it and bookmark the site. The rest would be in the dark. It would require purchasing a new domain name to do that with and I think we're already spending enough money as it is.
I had Ron's e-mail address handy and sent him some news, figuring he would be wondering what was happening. I know he's a lot of contacts and figured if anyone questioned him, he could at least pass along a bit of information.
Other than that, I really don't know a good way to keep you informed, in the few times the site has been down. Fortunately, the site is rarely ever down, so it's not as if it is a constant and ongoing issue. Yesterday's downtime eclipsed our cumulative total of downtime over the last 40+ months. And it was also the first time the server had been down in some 380 - 385 days.