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New Member
OK, I have a original steel 27 4-door Touring body-40 Ford PU front axle and split bones,early smooth pumpkin 9" rear,"A" rear crossmember,front crossmember and perch built like "T", will build frame out of 2 x 3 rec.,probably not too low- I want to have back seat for grandkids,350 sbc turbo 400.
Hows that sound -any issues or concerns ? I haven't decided on steering box yet.

Won't that front axle be a little wide? Also, if you are running only a small block, don't use the turbo 400 trans--it's far too bulky and inefficient compared to the turbo 350.
Same as above, Turbo 400 is not needed in a car as light as a T Bucket, and takes up unnecessary room under the floor. Sell it off and get a nice T350.
Everything else being equal, the T350 has less parasitic loss, ie, takes less power to drive it, than the T400. The T400 only comes into play when your blowin T 350's behind your motor....
The T400's were only in the heavy cars with hi-horse motors, trucks, ambulances and the like.
The 400 is about 10# heavier and maybe 6" longer than the 350. But it's also indestructible. I've run mine for 20 years behind several blown SBCs without a hiccup. If you already have the 400, I'd keep it.

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