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where do i start? looking for builder of my 27


New Member
Hi guys,as you may or may not know i picked up a homebuilt 27 turtle back.It bothers me that every time I work on the car I'm amazed of the craftsmanship of the build. Can anyone tell me how i can find the original builder? anyone that builds something like this had to have friends,maybe someone on here.I purchased it from "Drex" .he lives in Maryland.Drex gave me a email address but I don't think it was correct, plus drex only had it for a couple months .I've seen his postings on here.anyone help??thanks jj
check and see what name is on the title (should be signed on the back in kentucky anyways).. you might be able to go to dmv and ask if they can give you the name of the previous owners..
you should be able to run a search on the title.

Same here Missouri does title searches....or check with the local
chamber of commerce near the town you bought the '27 for a list
of car clubs, he might have been a member of one of the clubs or
at least hung out with them.

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