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Which steering box do you like


New Member
Would like to know what your preference is on steering boxes. I have a reversed corvair now but think i would rather have cross steering using a vega box can go either way. I know you have less bump steer with the vega but since I haven't ever owned a T I don't really know how much difference the two boxes steer. Please advise...Bob
Would like to know what your preference is on steering boxes. I have a reversed corvair now but think i would rather have cross steering using a vega box can go either way. I know you have less bump steer with the vega but since I haven't ever owned a T I don't really know how much difference the two boxes steer. Please advise...Bob

Both side steer and cross steer can be equally good when correctly designed and executed. I've got a Vega box cross steer set up on mine and I like it. Most T roadsters run a "spring behind axle" front suspension, and many have the steering arms facing forward which pretty much rules out cross steer. That's one reason it never gained in popularity. My T has a "spring over axle" suspension which makes cross steering practical. In the end, the effectiveness of each is dictated by how well the system is engineered, and neither has a clear advantage over the other.

Both side steer and cross steer can be equally good when correctly designed and executed. I've got a Vega box cross steer set up on mine and I like it. Most T roadsters run a "spring behind axle" front suspension, and many have the steering arms facing forward which pretty much rules out cross steer. That's one reason it never gained in popularity. My T has a "spring over axle" suspension which makes cross steering practical. In the end, the effectiveness of each is dictated by how well the system is engineered, and neither has a clear advantage over the other.


I beg to differ with your opinion of using a cross steer system with the steering arms facing forward. My car is constructed in that manner and I also have proper Ackerman unlike most cars with reversed steering arms and the tie rod mounted in front of the axle. Even though I'm using a quarter elliptic spring set up a conventional buggy spring set up could be used just a easily.

Here is an overall view of the chassis with the Vega cross steer set up.


Here is a view showing the proper Ackerman.


My car handles very well with absolutely no bump steer and steers like it has power steering.

I would not change just to be changing. Do you have slop now in your old Corvair box? You can adjust it, rebuild it or get a new Flaming River box. I had two rebuilt Corvair boxes and I still had more slop than I think they should have. So I bought a new Flaming River Corvair style box and now no more slop.

I also do not have much, if any, bump steer. The only problem I encountered with my steering was incorrect toe-in for some reason at one time. But that was easily fixed.
I have used both boxes with excellent results. Bob hit the nail on the head. It dose depend on how the system is engineered.

I really like my cross steer with Flaming River Vega box; with that being said, I've never had a Corvair setup. My setup is a fairly traditional cross steer setup, but is a bit different than Jim's (EX JUNK)as I'm running coil-overs and the steering arms are behind the axle. Bumpsteer is almost non-existent.
I really like my cross steer with Flaming River Vega box; with that being said, I've never had a Corvair setup. My setup is a fairly traditional cross steer setup, but is a bit different than Jim's (EX JUNK)as I'm running coil-overs and the steering arms are behind the axle. Bumpsteer is almost non-existent.

I have no idea why you guys stick with steering boxes. Racks are Soooooooooooooooo much better and take no more work to fit if you just get your mind around it.
You got me thinking about racks now Gerry!!!

don't quote me on this but I believe the only way a rack would work correctly is if it was attached directly to the straight axle , or if you only hook up one [like cross steer]. dave
Whichever type of steering box or setup you use, it all boils down to personal choice of LOOKS... They all work plenty good with long radius rods and not mounted low in the center (pitman arm hanging way too low) as that can be very dangerous... Drive safe :)
Ma & Pa T have a rack in their T. This comes up every once in a while. Rack needs to be parallel to the axle with full as/run weight on the axle. Rack also needs to be as small as possilble with the longest connecting arms. Try search, I'm probably off in my understanding. That Potvin guy also tried it.


P.S. IIRC if the rack is positioned properly, then it is in the middle of the frame, which restricts connecting arm movement. Steering arms need to be different.
I think that anyone wanting to use a rack and pinion on a straight axle are probably wanting a half rack like Uni-steer makes. It is for cross-steer and replaces a vega box....jmo...ruggs
don't quote me on this but I believe the only way a rack would work correctly is if it was attached directly to the straight axle , or if you only hook up one [like cross steer]. dave

Well if you look at any car with independent and a rack you will find the rack attached to the 'chassis'. The two push rods (one at each end work on ball joints) so they move independently to the chassis

Also you can mount the rack in line with the chassis and use a drag link just like a conventional steering box set up. Take a look at 'steering column for Approaching suicide' posts and you will see what I mean.
These cars are never going to be canyon carvers, they may go fast in a straight line, but that's it. As far as I am concerned the way these cars get driven, and the fact that half of them have tiny front tires, to me makes the bump steer question, and the handling questions almost a non issue. The garbage truck will take me on a fast corner. I take corners slow, not because I particularly like to, but because if not I will kill myself :shoot:
I like the traditional steering as to me it looks the best, and these cars are more about looks and straight line performance than anything else. This is my personal preference. I am sure others may like a different look. I really do not like the way the cross steer looks and even less the way a rack looks on the front of the car. I am certain that a cross steer car or one with a rack will have zero bump steer and handle better than mine, but they way I drive it it will make no difference. How much better can it be with motorcycle front tires anyways :)
Build it the way you want the car to look :rr:
Thanks for the input guy's, the box I have for my buddy's car is a rebuilt reversed corvair no slop as I can see or rather feel. The only reason I asked was that some of the post I have read have got me wondering about the bump steer issue. He's never owned or drove an open wheel car and I didn't want him to experience any adverse steering conditions, with that said my personal preference is a more traditional look so we will stay with the corvair box as he has stated to me to do what I want just as long as it looks good and works right. Thanks again ...Bob
These cars are never going to be canyon carvers, they may go fast in a straight line, but that's it. As far as I am concerned the way these cars get driven, and the fact that half of them have tiny front tires, to me makes the bump steer question, and the handling questions almost a non issue. The garbage truck will take me on a fast corner. I take corners slow, not because I particularly like to, but because if not I will kill myself :shoot:
I like the traditional steering as to me it looks the best, and these cars are more about looks and straight line performance than anything else. This is my personal preference. I am sure others may like a different look. I really do not like the way the cross steer looks and even less the way a rack looks on the front of the car. I am certain that a cross steer car or one with a rack will have zero bump steer and handle better than mine, but they way I drive it it will make no difference. How much better can it be with motorcycle front tires anyways :thumb:
Build it the way you want the car to look :rr:

I agree build what you want but there its always good to look sideways sometimes.
Cant see a rack here but its got one.


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