Well now,lets see.
We have income tax and National insurance that amount to 1/3 of your earnings, then a 20% sales tax on almost everything, including gas. a 4% tax on any insurance, Property tax, mines about $3000 a year. Cigarettes are about 12 buck a pack, due to tax, wines has almost doubled in the last 12 months and they are trying to bring in a minimum tax per alcoholic unit on that. Oh and vehicle excise duty... $325 on a 2.4 litre petrol Cruiser and some more I cant recall. Buy a new Range Rover and the first years vehicle excise on it is $1400.00 Vehicle excise is paid every year just to use the roads.
I believe we are the highest taxed country in Europe at the moment.
About the only thing thats not taxed is food, unless its luxury food like pastries etc.
Sounds like fun, Eh???