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Winshield frame questions

Ted Brown said:
Can't really believe your question here, Rooster made those beautiful caps to hold the glass in the frame, is that not a clear picture? :confused:
I gues my question should have been is there not any kind of support needed on the top edge of the glass? Dad's has the top open and is ussing lexan and it flexes like crazy. I would think that glass needs some sort of support.
the glas is way stiffer than the lexan. you can get by without a frame on the top. early rodders would just remove the top frame and run the bottom one. look at dons car. he dosen't have a frame on top of the glass and you know he drives his!!!

Raidmagic, I have nothing on the top of my windshield and have quite a few miles on it and a few times over the "suggested" speed limit. I have a glass windshield and have experienced no flexing. Lexan will flex with out a top frame unless it is VERY thick and by thick I mean, way more than you would want to use.

I credit some of it to the way I mounted my windshield. I slanted it back 20 degrees and the glass is only 9 1/2" tall, measured vertically at the center of the glass. I know that this look does not sit well with "traditionalists" but I sit down in my car and it works for me.


Well I am one for a flat windshield on MY T Bucket, but I love your whole car as it sits, I would have done the same, if I was building that type of Roadster. I really do not mind what other people do to their own rides, as that is what makes the World go round, and how boring life and cars would be, if we were all the same... :lol:
Does anyone know the trade name of the windshield goo. And also the felt Ted spoke of. Where can u buy it???
Rooster, I got what I needed to install my glass from a local auto glass firm. Why not give it a try in your area?

I would say it would be handled by any good glass shop, both products, as they use them both all the time. :lol: I am thinking that you have not drilled a small weep hole in your frame, and that is why you want it water tight, I should have mentioned this a lot farther back, so others could do it, just in case they get caught in the rain.. a 1/6th hole in both the cutter where the glass mounts and through the very bottom of the windshield frame to let any water have a place to escape if trapped. Don't need any more rust!:)
Thats a very good tip. I will do that. I have spoken to several glass shops and no one acts like they want to mess with it. it must be out of their normal day to day activities. But that was before the economy has taken a slow down mabye their tune has changed .
I think a lot of employies are just plain lazy, and do not know how to do anything but the easy stuff, just not their job, so sad, as service seems to be gone out the window, soon so will their business be out the window... :( got to find a place that has at least one old guy working there... hehe

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