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working T bucket tops

Does anyone have patterns or any other info they are willing to share on stock type cloth tops with side curtains?I'm building a 27 T roadster pick up.My wife can use patterns for any top for a bucket but we are not sure how they go together.This car will be driven a lot so the top is a must if I want her with me!She is a very talented stitcher with more than 40 years in the industry and another 10 plus home doing her first T interior for her brothers T bucket in 63 with her mom.My plans call for a full top along with a Tonnoe cover when the top is off
Hi Leon,
I don't have any patterns, but I do have a few pictures of side curtains from the internet.




A good canvas shop that does marine work should be able to pattern it for you. Not much different than a bimini on a boat. Todd
Did you get the pictures I e-mailed awhile back? If you need more let me know.
Yes I have your pics saved thanks

Tugmaster my wife and I can design a top but I'm looking for ideas that are out there never would have thought about the rain gutters without this post
Bill, that first pic is the coolest top I've ever seen on a bucket. Whoa.

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