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Yet another ID10T winner


Well-Known Member
I've received a couple e-mails from concerned members who have noticed some of the other rod forums have some posts appearing, which predict Armageddon for anyone who downloads Firefox 4.8.

I'm not going to duplicate the entire message, because I don't need the hassle from Google over duplicate content, but here are some of the "dire" :rolleyes: warnings.

The bampot who has initiated this Chicken Little scenario says he (she?) has received, "a phone call from a friend that is on the Power Tour," warning him to avoid Firefox 4.8. Firefox 4.8 is one to avoid, because this person said, "because it had been infected with a virus and caused his laptop to CRASH."

1. If you are enjoying yourself on the Hot Rod Power Tour, are you going to be downloading new software to your laptop?

2. If you are enjoying yourself on the Power Tour, are you going to start calling every computer owner you know, to warn them about a piece of software containing a virus?

The scare-message goes on to detail just how this software will crash your computer. "It seems that it takes over your Security System and then gives you a window "WARNING" you to go to your Security System and when you do it takes over you computer and crashes it."

1. It "seems" that is how it happens? Or that is most certainly how it happens?

2. What "Security System" am I going to be "WARNED" to go to? With all the computers and operating systems I have around here, not a single one of them has a "Security System".

Good Lord, whoever started posting this incredulous crap needs to be designated the 2011 Poster Child for birth control, abortion and assisted suicide.

Firefox is a browser, authored and developed by Mozilla Corporation. It is available as a free download from the Mozilla site - if you visit that page, you will see the latest public release of Firefox is Firefox 4.0.1. It currently shows a download count of 215,175,308.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 215 million-plus downloads, if there was a virus attached to the download, we would be reading about it on countless news sites and technology sites. Do you really believe some chucklehead, posting nonsense on a handful of automotive sites, is any kind of authority on public software releases? If so, you need to see this bridge in Brooklyn I just happen to have for sale. You read it on the Internet, so you know it has to be true, aye?

Fact - Firefox 4.0.1 is the most recent and likely the final public release of Firefox 4. Any subsequent releases will be security patches only. Firefox 4 went into code freeze on 12 April 2011, because development was already in full swing on Firefox 5.

Fact - Firefox 5.0 is already in Mozilla's Beta channel and is set for public release on 21 June 2011.

Fact - Firefox 6 is already in Mozilla's Aurora channel and is set to be moved to the Beta channel on 5 July 2011.

Fact - Firefox 7 is already in Mozilla's Nightly channel and is set to be moved to the Aurora channel on 5 July 2011.

If you have downloaded what someone has claimed to be Firefox 4.8, you've not downloaded a browser infected with a virus, you have downloaded a virus. Because there is no such thing as Firefox 4.8. Full stop.

You can file the Firefox 4.8 warnings in the same file as the one about terrorists stealing UPS uniforms. Or the one about the money bags of July 2011.
I've developed a new product that doesn't use the internet at all. It is Paypal via smoke signal. May I use that to pay for your bridge?

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