Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Profile shots


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Alright lets see some profile shots, I finally got my tires mounted and I need to see some other shots. I am thinking I might have to extend the bed to make things "fit"

Here is where mine sits now.

Maybe you can relate bed length to my turtle deck. As close as I can measure it is 31" from where the uppermost portion of the turtle deck meets the body to rear most section of the deck. The O.D. of the rear tire is 31" also. Check the picture to see if this helps.


From what I can see by enlarging your picture your bed is bolt on. Looking at Ex's your pretty close to the same. Personally I think your car looks good so far and if you don't like the bed later you could extend it. Too early to judge this one and it would be your preference anyway....Ron (ruggs)
Ex Junk, your car has the proportions I like/want.

Ruggs, Yeah its a bolt on, I plan on keeping it that way!

If I was to extend it I would cut it in the middle and form about 6 inches more in the middle.

Those tires are 27.5 in diameter
Here is a profile of Becky, with a 14" bed.

Here is mine after a 4 inch body stretch.
I like to see the back of the bed even with the tire. Notice "Becky" and how well balanced she looks in profile. If you look at pics of Tommy Ivo's T you'll notice it has a long bed on it. The full size version of "The Big T" also sports a long bed. If you don't like the look of the long bed you could add a nerf to the back to help even things out.

i like the tires to stick out past the bed if someone bumps in to you your body is safe


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i like the tires to stick out past the bed if someone bumps in to you your body is safe
I was wondering when someone would think about the fact that makes a great bumper, for protecting the bed/body... I have used that for years as my legal bumper... and with your rear end farther back, you have a longer drive shaft and that makes it easier to get more suspension travel without U joint binding and failure... Looking good... :)
I kinda like the rear wheels further back. With the bed lengthened so it is perhaps six in. past the tire, you could have a longer, more useful bed and more of a true roadster/pick up look. With the stretched body and lower stance (perhaps a couple more inches in the kick up), who knows. Do you know any one who does Photo Shop? Is the frame welded? Is the rear end mounted? Can everything still be moved around?

Tires make great bumpers if your stopped .. not so great if your rollin

Tires make great bumpers if your stopped .. not so great if your rollin


I'm glad that you pointed out that very obvious fact, Ron. When you are rolling, anything making contact with the rear tires will literally be brought right up your back.

Short, 14", bed
CCR 20 inch bed, I centered the rearend with the center of the bed.

I like it. Doesn't look like every other one with the tires out there. Every "T" is different in it's own way.
I looked at moving tub back or stretching it a bit but thats not an option unless I want the frame rails in my back, and the hassle of cutting/stretching the body. I will save that for the next one. :)
I dont see anything wrong with your set at all.Your within inches of everyones car.Just a reminder."Whatch your arm hanging out the side of the car those tires have a way of making your elbo look funny.LOL

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