Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

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G'day Mike,
Have to say I like the new look of the Forum, ya done good!! ;-)
Don't post very often, but come in to look around at what people are doing, love some of the workmanship displayed here, really nice.

I'm a would be if I could be Rodder, have been building Clubman Sports Cars for some years, and always wanted to do a 27 roadster, or a C Cab, but reduced income in retirement and "rules" from the "Minister of Finance" will put paid to those plans I think.
Keep up the good work, I'm sure your efforts keeping this valuable Forum going are appreciated by many.
I guess I need to get up-to-date with the new style....I'm still looking at the blue default format. I just changed to Intepid-TBF -- I hope this is the new style everyone is talking about.

I've been looking at the new format, too. I like it. Just need to get used to it. I
haven't found anything new yet other than the login area. I'll keep looking.

Bill, the best kinds of forum upgrades are the ones where you don't notice the changes that have been made. That way, you are not caught out, not knowing what to do next. The XenForo devs are pretty good at accomplishing just that.
Then this must a great upgrade for most of issues noted. I did change to the Intrepid-TBF style...and I must admit, I like it better. Guess I've just been too busy at work to try anything new.....
Guess that I should comment about the new look. Being one not to like changes in things that I do on a regular basis, I wasn't crazy about it. Now after a few days, it is great. Just looks different, but easier to navigate. Way to go Mike.

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