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Who insures your bucket?

Hagerty. Had one claim hen I got hit in the rear. About 8k damage. N o problem. Rates did not go up.
I am with Hagerty. Grundy is not up here as of yet. There are a lot of options, but they all seemed to be backed by the same underwriter. Hagerty also had the roadside that also covered all vehicles registered in my name, so all of them. I figure for the price of CAA (AAA) might as well go with one package.

I asked Hagerty about driving to work, they told me it was okay if it was only "Once in a while" but remember, during the summer there is ALWAYS a rod run or show going on where ever you are heading.
Glad this insurance was brought up. If you want to drive your car often or everyday what do you suggest? Right now I have 21st century but plan on going back to state farm.
I hope your State Farm agent is better than mine, she was the highest company around so I changed all my other cars over to Safeco............Never will go back to State Farm.......I drive my Bucket & Pickup any time I want and have never been asked what the mileage was........
That's key. That's why I changed from Taylor to Hagerty because Taylor only thought I should drive my cars in parades.
Do you have a street rod tag or antique tag? Full coverage on my buggy is very cheap, with no mileage or other restrictions. It's just a Model T to them and doesn't add much to multi-car premium. If you can tag it as a regular car instead of a specialty vehicle you can possibly save some money. Insurance treats it as a 2nd car that is not driven a lot.
Both of my street rods have a regular vanity/personalized tags. The '37 Chevy is EX SEDAN and the '25 T is EX JUNK.

Glad this insurance was brought up. If you want to drive your car often or everyday what do you suggest?
Hagerty has no mileage restrictions. They told me the same thing as keeper, I can drive it to work once in a while too. I don't like to do that though, as my commute is one hour each way in heavy traffic, and my '55 gets terrible gas mileage, lol. My Hyundai is much better at this!
Hagerty has no mileage restrictions. They told me the same thing as keeper, I can drive it to work once in a while too. I don't like to do that though, as my commute is one hour each way in heavy traffic, and my '55 gets terrible gas mileage, lol. My Hyundai is much better at this!
Good to hear since I am disabled I don't have to drive to work, I just want to drive it a lot.
I have three cars insured with Infinity for several years all with agreed value and includes road service, no claims experience yet. Hagerty was 30% higher for less coverage. Have not checked Grundy or Chrome.
I have vanity plates on two of my Hagerty insured cars and no problems except for the cost of the plates..

..In New Mexico you can get a Horseless Carriage plate for cars 30 years or older that are for 5 years but they do have some restrictions I understand.....


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