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20 inch pick up bed


anyone ever added a bed to a older body? I see them at speedway saying bolt on,i assume this means no fibergalss work needed? what measurements do i need to get one to fit? how much frame do i need under it ? does it bolt to back of tub or to frame? stupid questions i know but i dont have a clue what i need
Teds right dont touch that fine lookin ride. Caddy tail lights that looks great. Ok how bout this make a reciever and attach a small bed shell to the removable half so it slides over the tank and add some storage for a afternoon outing. add some aux taillights with a quick disconnect.

OR Not.
if you want the bed you could bolt it to your body with large fender washers. you could get by with out glassing it to your body.

i would agree with the others tho, you have made some great improvements to this car. it has a very classic t bucket look. it the way it is and enjoy it.

I agree that rear view is awesome! I would probably not change it if it were mine but what I would consider is a small removeable "trunk" for the stuff you want to drag along. built on the reciever hitch type setup mentioned above. I bet your creative enough to dream up something totally functional and keeping it hotroddish.. got a bud here who has a small casket he uses to carry stuff...On my teardrop camper I have a vintage wood and metal trunk/strongbox bolted to the hitch. found it at a thrift store for $10, works perfect for tool storage and the crap you need for cleaning up pre show.. nice lookin ride, be careful if you change it!!

I lopped off the tiny bed on my TP body and added a Spirit 21" bed. I did it with all glass work. it takes a while but it's not hard to do. you can see pix in " my albums". now the lid opens and i can store a folding chair and cleaning supplies along with the gas tank in there. before there was no room for anything but the gas tank. i even put a lock on the lid so it doesn't flop around. good luck, you can do it !
I wouldn't change a d*** thing on that car, it looks great. :rofl: If your goal is to get some storage room, forget that notion. Once you get a 10 gallon tank in the bed there is room for maybe a couple of rags, the bed is pretty useless.

Keep your car the way it is.

Spirit sells a trailer kit thats nice looking; Me? Id find an 20s or 30s P/U bed and mount it on a trailer frame, if you cant get just the back half of a 20s/30s truck. Throw on some whitewalls and caps, paint it red with the ford script on the tailgate in white, use some new chrome chains and sleeve them in a piece of clear hose so they don't wreck the paint. A wood flooring kit with some urethane on it and chrome strips...could be done nice. Add the caddy taillights. OR get a 1 wheeled trailer (ask the VW guys) OR build a teardrop...lots of plans out there...paint it red, add some polished aluminum or stainless doodads and a white stripe or white with a red cove, caddy tail lights and a polished nerfbar for a rear bumper...

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