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27 T coupe radiator continuation

Rip VW

Active Member
Well I have been looking at the radiator dilemma that I had with having my radiator being to tall. After looking and comparing various alternatives I was disappointed that it looked like a custom rad was the only way and I was not looking Forward to the cost being in the stratosphere.
So it was on the back burner till I saw a T with a cutdown 32 grill shell and radiator I liked the look so started looking at chopped 32 ford radiators. I found measurements from the rad 3 inches shorter than my other radiator and had mounts on the bottom of the 32 that would allow me to mount the radiator based on stock location on my 32 crossmember. Long story short I popped for the chopped 32 ford radiator. Just after that I found a smoking deal on a complete repo 32 ford radiator shell and stainless grill for less than $200
I used my shop lazer level and set my reference right even with the cowl top. After mounting my new rad my radiator and measuring the height my rad was 2 inches below the cowl.. a solid win. However my rad shroud when mounted now sets about 3/4 of an inch above the cowl. Damn can‘T get a break. I have determined if someone doesn’t like how it looks it’s their problem… I like the look from the front looks 32 ford like. I have several pictures of the install and am going to try and attach them from my IPad if I ca figure out how as I am a newby Ipad user. If unsuccessful on this machine I will upload the pictures from my windows machine . .IMG_4783.jpeg IMG_4784.jpeg IMG_3712.jpeg IMG_4783.jpeg
Spanky, A question or two on your radiator support rods. My next move is to set up the radiator support rods. I am having difficulty finding 2 rods 36" long. I need the extended length as the radiator is setting forward. I have searched and not found any rods longer than 32 inches so I am a bit perplexed. I do have 2 stainless steel all thread rods that are long enough but the all thread looks a bit tacky. I did have an idea about getting some tubing to slip over the all thread but that seems rather odd to do it that way. One question I have is on the firewall mounts and I looked at your setup on the firewall and they look like standard support rod mounts where the head is real thin and slides into a slot. Is this correct? Also do you have a radiator bracket on your radiator? Let me know your thoughts on these rods and any possible suppliers that could custom make them? This is my next daunting task so stay tuned news at 11:00.
A good machine shop should be able to supply you with some stainless rod any length you want, and even cut threads on each end for you. The little thread covers from Speedway really dress it up, too. And, yes, the simple firewall brackets are as you suggest - just a little slot that the head slips into, and then tightens up with a jam nut on the other side. I have included a pic of the radiator bracket, which is just a steel plate welded to the radiator support with slots the size of the end of the support rod cut so the rod slips into it from the side and is held by jam nuts.

Rad support.jpg
I went out today with my 36 inch all thread and did a more accurate measurement support rods wise and found the 35 inch measurements will work. So I went to yogi’s and ordered his 35 inch rods.
Oh I have a set of firewall mounts on order along with a few odds and ends so I figure about 7 to 10 days before I see anything and may be longer with the 4th holiday in the middle of this.
Another thought I have is how do you handle the angle where the rod goes through the rad mount? It looks to be a 20 to 30 deg angle. I am thinking a making a tube type spacer and then cut the spacers across at a 20 To 30 deg angle. It all depends on how the bars fit in the new config when I get them. So to anyone in particular that knows what I am talking about go ahead and speak up and let me know your thoughts on this. Till nex time!!!
In my case the angle is shallow enough so that's not an issue. I bent the slotted part of the bracket slightly, and the jam nuts handle it OK. No problemo!
Actually got all my parts today and was amazed. No supply chain problems here. I did a quick test fit with brackets for the firewall and the Yogis rods fit with room to spare. I will work on the firewall brackets tomorrow and finish some dash repair.
As for the dash work I needed to enlarge the steering column recess. I am also clearing up the butcher job that was done previously by hacking out of the center of the of the dash. I plan on replacing the center recessed area with a panel that covers the entire center area. The dash panel will be random brushed aluminum (DA Action) with a coat of satin clear to seal it. I have a speedo and 4 gauges that are monogramed with the Ford on the faces. But I digres, more on that later. Anyway I’ll finish the radiator mounting tomorrow and include a few snaps of the progress.
Hey, Rip . . . how's your project coming along? Haven't seen any posts from your build thread in a while. :rolleyes:
Hi Spanky, Well the last few months I have been fighting some health issues but have recently got back to working some on the T. I am ready to remove the body for the "Last Time I Hope" and will get the final welding on the frame, then Paint and re assembly. and then some bodywork and complete the rest. All of the design and rough fab is done. I am really looking forward to finishing the frame and then the fun begins putting all the parts together. January, I got covid and that knocked me for a loop for a couple of months. (Long covid). Now if the health holds up I may get something done this summer. I am so close but so far away from finishing up. I am glad I assembled the car working out fitment issues and other problems and now to get the big job dome. I may only get a little time per day, but I try to get 15 minutes every time I go out to work on it. Sometimes I get a couple of hours, but I try to get something done. My last major decision is to determine the paint color. Because the 32 frame will be exposed on the sides, I want to select a color that will match the body color. Ahhh the decisions....

I shall endeavor to persevere.

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