Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

A few pics before the body comes back


More to come if u see something wrong ITS TO LATE just kidding let me know.
That is one good looking project! It is coming along nicely. I really like the subtle details like the spring perch cover and headlight stands. Also, the the plug wire routing and shock set up. Great job!
That is looking darn nice Rooster,,:thumbsup:
Buuuuuuut the only thing wrong I can see is the Distributor is on the wrong end of the intake :razz:
great looking build sir,But, ya might want the gauges a wee
bit closer to the dash....
Those are hillbilly gauges For standin in front. And as far as the distributor well you know what i am gona say. So lets just stay friends. HA HA And thanks 24355or the kind words.
Are those headlight stands the ones RPM sells? They look nice and simple, yet tough.
I made them, i have an aircraft customer that lets me rumble around in their scrap bins.
what size are those rotars and where did you get the brakes?
Mike in ep :)
Nice job, it looks great Rooster I'll bet you're itchin to get it on the road.
RocknT said:
That is looking darn nice Rooster,,:thumbsup:
Buuuuuuut the only thing wrong I can see is the Distributor is on the wrong end of the intake :razz:


It looks awesome Rooster... I wont discriminate about which end your distributors on, if thats the case then mine is on the wrong side too!
11 inch rotors and calipers and i think i got them at autozone for a 72 chevelle or impala.

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