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A new old fart from Illinois


Active Member
As the title says, I'm a new old fart here. I'm 65 years old and have been playing with cars since I was 12. My toys include a 75 chevelle and a 23T bucket. The bucket build started back in 68 and was road worthy in 71. It's been torn apart more times then I can count, it began life with a 265, went to a 327 and now has a 30 over 350. I've had it storage the last 3 years but now it's back home for a good cleaning and much needed improvements over the winter. It needs a new carburator and I want to install a taller windshield, rewire it, install a new dash, new transmission linkage and maybe a radiator.
Welcome. :welcome:
:rulz:say you gotta show us some pics of the bucket.

I don't have a digital picture I can post of it right now but I promise to try and take some this weekend.
Welcome to the site from Minnesota. Lots of good people here. Don't be afraid to through a comment in anytime.

G,day from down under Illinois, I've only been here a few weeks, and these fella's are great. Hope you enjoy it..
Welcome from Las Vegas
As I promised I took a couple of quick pictures, not the best but you'll get an idea of what I've got.




Welcome to the forum. I too, am from Illinois - born in Cairo worked in Chicago & suburbs for 21 years and now living in SW Wy.
WELCOME FROM MAINE :welcome: Very nice looking ride.
Nice bucket :D

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