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A place to rest my butt!


Well-Known Member
Today, I made my seat. If you look in the first pic, you will notice that it does not slant down towards the rear. After thinking about it, I made it level and will cut two square sections out in each halve where people will sit. I'm going to staple the nylon straps that are used on lawn chairs. That, combined with the foam I found, should make for a nice, soft seat. I will make the seat back slope out from about 2" to 4" top to bottom, plus add a lumbar pad to it. This should help my back.

The height of the seat is 5 1/2" with the seat bottom in place. Without the holes cut, but the foam in place, my knee still just barely comes to the top edge of the body. The rear edge of the body comes right in the middle of my shoulder blades. I can even almost full extend my left leg!:)

In the second pic you can see the inside of the seat bottom. I cut holes in the inner boards to run wires. I located, but have not purchased, a radio from J. C. Whitney. It's supposed to be only 4" deep. I already have two small speakers. They will mount in the small cavities on the right and left. Nothing is glassed in yet, I'm still not sure I want a radio. I may just like hearing the engine more!:rolleyes:

So, gift certificate for Lowes hardware that covered everything. Freebie.
Measuring 3 times and cutting once, high school wood shop.
Having a body that I sit INTO....Priceless!:)



I have not decided whether to make the seat hinge forward or make it removable. Any ideas or thoughts!
Here's an example of how I plan to do my seat bottom.

You are a go getter Fred, I'm happy for you. Looking forward to seeing that beautiful lady done.

Thanks, Thomas. Yea, I was REALLY motivated today. Watched "American Graffiti" last night and dreamt of cruising.:rolleyes: So, I woke up and went for it.

My description of how it's going to end up isn't too clear, but it's clear in my head and I guess that's what matters.:)
Fred...see if you can find enough burlap to cover the webbing you put over the holes in the seat. It'll keep the webbing from chewing up the foam.
Youngster said:
Fred...see if you can find enough burlap to cover the webbing you put over the holes in the seat. It'll keep the webbing from chewing up the foam.

Thanks! I NEVER would have thouht of that. Looks like I'll be hitting the crafts store in the very near future. I'm planning on using Memory Foam for my seat bottom and back. That stuff is expensive, but if you're familiar with it, you know it's excellent for the back and hopefully, the buttocks!:lol:
It wouldn't hurt to put a little extra along the front edge of the seat. It'll help to keep your buttocks from sliding forward when braking. You probably know this already, but you can cut that stuff real easy with an electric carving knife. If you have a 3'' air grinder, you can shape it with a 50 grit disc.
Youngster said:
It wouldn't hurt to put a little extra along the front edge of the seat. It'll help to keep your buttocks from sliding forward when braking. You probably know this already, but you can cut that stuff real easy with an electric carving knife. If you have a 3'' air grinder, you can shape it with a 50 grit disc.

Yea, I had planned on making a little roll on the front edge. I remembered reading an article on cutting and shaping it. I don't have an air grinder, but a craving knife should do fine.
Wow! Nice clean AND fast work Fred . You don't mess around. Looks great. You can use an electric carving knife to cut foam. I did a whole van one time and the wife never knew when we carved the turkey on Thanksgiving.
Before I start on what I accomplished this morning, I just want to say how very cool it is to see this site growing. Not only has membership grown, but so has the level of knowledge and experience in these cool little cars we build and love. Everybody... GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK!:lol:

Well, today was another good morning. Picked up some breakfast tacos and webbed straping from the hardware store and drove to work. It sure is a pleasure to open the bay doors and see Miss Behavin' sitting there all smiles and grins.:) I can tell she's wondering what I'm going to do to her today.

I measured and cut the two holes in the seat bottom. Then, I measured my straps and cut them with a little overlap. I used my lighter to lightly melt the ends of the straps, so that the webbing won't come undone.

Next, I stapled them in place. I have a sample piece of the foam I'm going to be using and placed it on the seat. WOW! What a difference in comfort. It slightly (about 1/2") lowered me a little, but not enough to change my seating position. Actually, it seems my seating position may have improved.


After talking with a few NTBA members, I learned that a radio in a T Bucket may be a little overkill. They said it was really so hard to hear it, that they didn't even use them. Heck, Mikey offered me his! So, I won't be cutting holes for a radio. I have a little boom box that I could always place on the passenger floor.

So, my throttle pedal from Speedway arrives tommorow and I'll be able to figure out where I'll mount it. I have a good idea, but won't know for sure until I see it.

Now, I'm going to read all the new posts and wait for the football games to come on. I'm thinking Greenbay by 3 and New England by 14.
I noticed that a couple of the webbed straps moved when I DROVE her around this morning. No video!:lol: So, later on, I'll do a little sewing where the straps cross.
Jeez, I keep forgetting the details. The hardware store didn't have the webbing for lawn chairs like I had planned on using. After wandering around the store, I found a pair of 1" tow straps. Very strong and at $8 for two, just enough to do the job and it fit my budget. Can't ask for more than that!:lol:
Here's a pic of Miss Behavin' soakin' up the Texas sun!

tfeverfred said:
Here's a pic of Miss Behavin' soakin' up the Texas sun!


You better ROUND those corners or you will have problems Fred.
If you still want the wider straps, good idea, check out a fabric store. They would probably have the burlap too. The wider straps won't move around if you weave them next to each other.
Rick, I had meant to round off the corners and completely forgot, until I got home.:o I'll get to it tomorrow after work. Thanks for noticing. I guess I was so glad everything is working so far, I forgot to follow my "to do list".:lol:
Youngster said:
If you still want the wider straps, good idea, check out a fabric store. They would probably have the burlap too. The wider straps won't move around if you weave them next to each other.
hanks, Youngster. I'll go with these for the time being and see what happens. It won't be a problem to swich out later, if it needs it. As for the burlap, I'll be grocery shopping this morning and will just pick up a sack of potatoes!:lol: Two birds with one stone.;)
tfeverfred said:
Rick, I had meant to round off the corners and completely forgot, until I got home.:o I'll get to it tomorrow after work. Thanks for noticing. I guess I was so glad everything is working so far, I forgot to follow my "to do list".:lol:
Tisk,Tisk.NEVER deviate from the list.Or you'll do it again.
Rick said:
Tisk,Tisk.NEVER deviate from the list.Or you'll do it again.

Man. These guys catch EVERYTHING. Gee.

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