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My T has a swing arm instead of radius rods. I bought some radius rods from RPM and I'm going to be moving my rear end forward about 10 inches, is that going to mess with my ackerman?
Yes it will to some degree. May not be noticeable. You can shim your steering arm mounts to correct ackerman angles.
I doubt you will notice a difference at all.
You have Ackerman correctly set now and moving the rearend ahead will change it slightly.
Thats a static measurement for a perfect world though.

In the dynamics of driving...its a marginal change and nowhere as radical as having reverse Ackerman like many cars have.
Even those cars get driven and with little discomfort other than scrubbing on really tight turns into parking spots or on dirt etc.

My car has reversed Ackerman but it gets driven hard and drives well.
I HATE the parking and driveway scrubbing however and intend to change it as soon as possible.
I'm not a promoter of reversed Ackerman in any way...its just that the car was set up like this when I got it.

I think you will be fine...;)
Ackermann only comes into play when turning. I used to have old integral steering arms and for correct Ackermann the wheelbase would have to be 40ft! But it was never a problem, and last year I did custom arms and now it's spot on. The doctor says don't worry.

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