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I would think/hope that I am dead and gone for sometime before all that you said happens and I will side with Spanky if you don't mind......
Well, PG, we'll just have to agree to disagree on your analysis. That said, I love your T-bucket and wish you lived within cruising range of my house! And this pic from NTBA Springfield Nats brings back memories . . .

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I tell YA, Spanky, I get no respect, NO respect! (bad Rodney Dangerfield). I've been on the frontiers of solar and EVs and climate change for many years. And I try to share the facts, the hard data, the opinions of thousands of scientists. But some think there is a vast conspiracy behind it all, that a secret society of govt and big oil and big whatever are messing with us (it reminds me of the goofy idea that NASA faked the moon landings). But the talents that such a conspiracy would require...well, most of our "leaders" are full of themselves and I doubt you could get two of them to sit at the same table, much less cooperate in a global cabal. Now of course savvy businessmen are going to find ways to make money whatever way the wind blows; that's the free market at work, which we say is democratic and wonderful (oh, I've found a big problem with the free market, if anyone is interested).
I was going to reply but it is impossible to do without being political as the ff issue IS just that... political.
Nah, Fletch. Now some folks want to make it political, but rational folks (my fellow bucketheads for one) keep it scientific and factual.
Would one of those little generators stay ahead of an electric motor? You would still be using gas but a lot less!
WOW ! I'm getting an education from this thread. I've read every entry & discovered by doing so , i had a lot to learn..........You guys are the greatest !!
What little generator, LongJohn? Can't quite understand your post.
What I had in mind was one of those Honda suit case generators. I’ll see if I can find a link. A portable generator like a camper would use. Don’t know the draw on the electric motor under cruse but can’t be much. If the output of generator could keep ahead of the use seems like you could be money ahead.
Freight trains and cargo ships have been electric for a long time... of course they have diesel powered power stations on board. The military uses nuclear power to generate electric on some of their vessels. It’s not a small generator though. I know when I have to use generators when our electric goes out, they use a lot more fuel than I thought should be required. A generator under load puts a serious strain on the engine. It will be interesting to see what technology brings forth going forwards. It will have to dramatically improve in many ways including longevity of the battery and reduce a lot in cost before I’m interested in owning one. I don’t think that will happen, at least not the affordability aspect, so off to buy gas and diesel fuel I go!
I used to be a member of a mx5forum. I swapped a 4.0L Mustang v6 into an NC MIATA mx5. One of the members turned his NA Miata MX5 into an all electric powered car. It was a very interesting swap. His electric engine replaced the o.e.m Miata's internal combustion engine. The battery (or batteries) were mounted in the trunk area. I think he used an adapter plate to attach the electric engine to the Miata's o.e.m transmission. The Miata's driveline and rear differentail were also used. His Miata was one of a kind.
I remember somebody used a plastic engine block (dummy engine) & placed an electric engine inside it. I'll see if i can locate photos.

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