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Lots of cool ideas. The battery life, charge duration, and cost are the sticking points. If money was no option, it would be interesting to experiment and add solar panels on top, generators on the wheels, small fossil or nat gas fueled generator with hydrogen, etc, to see how far it could be driven without requiring connection to a outside power source. Sort of the old perpetual motion attempt. I doubt we will ever see one commercially because the energy industry is such a income producer.

Here ya go !!

Have you ever drivin a golf cart ?
Lots of tourqre !!
Just charge every few hours if driven continuously.

These engines can make a 3500# car do wheelstands.
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Here's their website : .Their prices are outrageous. Prices start at $5000.00 . OUCH ![/QUOTE

This is really embarrassing in my opinion. I have to wonder how many sales they have made at that price.
It also appears they want full payment before starting your order. That is never good! I think there are just buying those composite
engine blocks and modifying them and they are not really very expensive. And where do you put batteries in a T-Bucket?

Reserve your Webb Electric Crate Motor with a $100 deposit. Final payment will be due upon
confirmation of your order. Pricing will vary between $50,000 to $70,000.
The batteries would replace the gas tank (the gas tank would be tossed during this conversion). You might even install a couple of batteries in the engine bay along side the electric motor.

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