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another new one


New Member
Hello, as always looking for info. I have a 23 t. Not my first car build, but it is my first street rod. look forward to the great info in the future.
Welcome to the best t site on the net. You get bonus points for posting pics.
Welcome to the forum lockman.
LOCKMAN You'll love it here!

You guys hanks sooooo much!! I have already recieved some very helpful info and seen so much generousity I can't believe. You guys are great!!
:) Post up some pics. Where are you from Lockman?
Hi Lockman, just another Jr. member.
Ted Brown is right....he can be a butt. But if you need help he knows more then most. He was doing "T" in the 60's when most where still trying to get there....willie wet. Welcome and like they say driving !

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