Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Any Monday Night Football Fans Here?


Active Member
I've been a Bears fan since we had two teams in Chicago, (for you youngsters back in the day the Cardinals were a Chicago's other team). We're about to kick some Green Bay butt tonight.
Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports ... all others are games.---- Ernest Hemingway

I don't care much for football.
I really don't want to offend anyone but.........

Da Bears, Suck!
Since I was a child I've been a Packers fan and this year I finally got to go to a game a Lambeau Field, the season opener.

Awesome experience, thanks to another Buckethead that pops over here every now and then.

I don't hate on other teams as much as some folks, but THIS IS FUNNY!!!

After Further Review, The Bears Still Suck!


After Further Review, The Bears Still Suck!

No Cable so I'm watching the stats on and

Wish I had the Huevos to go watch it at my favorite hotdog place - Jimmy's Chicago Style Hot Dogs.

He's such a mean spirited Bears fan that he doesn't talk to me because I once (unintentionally I swear) wore a Packers shirt in his restaurant.

Still, great hot dogs... his Brats aren't so good. Gotta get those in WISCONSIN!

GO PACK GO, just because it's about time the Pack wins a game again RIGHT?

Sick of these "lose by four points or less" games :(
OVERTIME, maybe?:eek: I miss the Viking & Packer games of my youth. It seems like they were always good games.
It was an ugly win last night but they all look the same in the record book.
REPEAT: Sick of these "lose by four points or less" games :(

Now, the Lions... ok Packers? I know you haven't won a game in so long that you forgot what it was like but... the Lions, OK? THE LIONS.

Please don't let me down.

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