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Anyone have any copies of "how to build a t bucket on a budget" book??

We have so much tallent on this forum that we (not me ) need to wright a book on the building process. Proceeds to go to the forum.
That book is located in the fiction section of you local library.
Lee_in_KC said:
I have it in PDF... 125 MB!! :eek: PM me your snail mail address and I'll send you a CD.

Be careful , that book is still copyrighted , making andor distributing a copy could get you in trouble with Chester or the publisher.

There are better references out there. The Total Performance Assembly manual is nice to have, as are the CCR frame plans.
Lee did you use any of Chesters ideas in your build?????? i didnt think so!! Cause i didnt see any gas pipe for steering componets in your pics. Ha Ha
GT63 said:
Be careful, that book is still copyrighted, making andor distributing a copy could get you in trouble with Chester or the publisher.
Good point, Grant. Didn't even occur to me. I don't remember how I came to have it in PDF.

rooster, I didn't use it for my T (but you already knew that ;)). In fact, I have only skimmed through it out of curiosity.
I have that book, I think it was supposed to be called How Not to Build A T-Bucket. The best part was the radiator reference page. But that is getting dated.
So the total performance manual is good? I just wanted some ideas of what fits and what doesn't without having to buy all the parts from a supplier. Like brakes, steering column, and all that stuff.
Lee_in_KC said:
I have it in PDF... 125 MB!! :eek: PM me your snail mail address and I'll send you a CD.
Ok i am going to ask to see if you can send it to me in the pdf format so i can look it over and then forward it to my other laptop in the garage.that way i wont have to run inside when i need to look at it.
my email address is: if you wouldnt mind sending it to me,
Thanks in Advance: Vince
I offen wish i was more into photography. Over the years i've seen some scary interpitations of Cesters book, as if his methods wheren't bad enough. I seen re-bar used as drag link and tie rods. Disc brake rotor ground to the point there was LESS than 1/8" material to the vent ribs. Lead and black pipe used for thing you wouldn't imagine and on and on. My point is, as Francis said, there is more info here than you will find in Chesters book and advice that will save you time and money in your build. All you have to do is ask. Even the bad ideas here have been looked at and suggestions to improve them have been offered. This site is a gold mine for new and old builders alike. JMO

Get Totals assembly manual I think you can still get it by downloading it you can buy the whole thing or just sections.The whole book will cost you 25$ each section I think is 5$to down load.This is going to be the best money you spend starting out ,The blue prints for every single piece used in building Totals T are shown in the manual plus lots of assembly tips.You know if you make one of these parts they are going to work ,and if there's a part you can't make it's available from Total and will work with what you have.Totals book is an excellent resource even if you are building something other than a "T".I'm a weldor /fabricator and have been since the mid 70s and I find the book a great resource in building my "T"
Youngster where is that crazy picture of that steering pipe adapter on a steering box thats so scary. That reminded me of chesters book for some reason. Not that he did that kind of work just the use anything to get going mentality.
The Chester book is ok reading but I wouldn't do some of hte things he does like making radius rods out of black iron pipe, etc.

YEARS ago ... we're talking NTB Association days, Chester was contacted about the book and he gave permission to Tom Peters (RIP) to make some copies to distribute among the NTBA members.

They were never sold, just xeroxed and mailed out.

I received on and later purchased BOTH Chester books (How to build ... for under $3000 and How to build ... on a budget) on ebay.

Again, it was a pretty fun read, interesting frame plan, other good info... and some questionable stuff in there also.

The "...under $3000" version was spiral bound and looked to be typed on a typewriter and the "...on a budget" version was a little better layout, same pics, same info, edited a little, and better bound.
Like T-odd I have both books and have read them with a grin. I think most of what he did wouldn't even be considered today.

Try to get a copy of the Total Performance Manual. Also search around and see if you can get the Full set of Shade Tree Mechanic episodes where they built a TP car.

A lot of guys have build albums I bet they would post links to if asked.
Probably 90% of the members here could write a better book. A lot of expertise here and all are willling to help.

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