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Anyone running '53-56 F100 drums?


For the front, I'm going with '56 F-100 drums on early Ford spindles and the conversion kit from Speedway. Trouble is that it's been many moons since I took these apart and should have taken photos just to figure out how to put 'em back together. Anyone got any close-up pics of the finished product?
For the front, I'm going with '56 F-100 drums on early Ford spindles and the conversion kit from Speedway. Trouble is that it's been many moons since I took these apart and should have taken photos just to figure out how to put 'em back together. Anyone got any close-up pics of the finished product?
Will this help? The catalog is a little confusing. At the top it says "49-56 Passanger Cars & Pickups Trucks", under the picture is says "1949-53 FRONT AND REAR BRAKES".

Link to Catalog: http://www.earlyford...eb_07-28-09.pdf
Link to Website:

View attachment EarlyFord_Page5.pdf

These pics are of a (I believe) 1962 Econoline that's on the front of my TBucket. The spring shapes look very similar. Just in case it might help you or someone I'll post them.
I thought I was the only one building a t-bucket with F100 front brakes. What kind of front/rear wheels are you guys running? The hub size seems to be the limiting factor on the front. Thanks! Bob
Pretty easy to have the bolt pattern changed to what ever type/size you like, they use same as early Ford in stock form, (5 1/2) I do believe... You can also have stock steel wheels made into any width and offset you like also, or order a set of Alum. wheels the width you want (3 1/2 to 4" works great on the front) IMHO :)

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