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ATV lift table

der Spieler

I want to build a lift table for working on lawn tractors, mowers, ATVs, etc. Does anyone know where I can find plans?
HF sells a table, copy theirs, they copied southworth.. I got paid $50 to take out a 4 ft x 4 ft by 4 ft lift. the safety -anti toe smasher feature did not work. I rewired it and built a channel frame so when it is down it is flush to the new concrete floor in my new shop. I welded in the mini trailer square receiver tubes around the inside perimiter. some straight and others at angles.. the bench top tools now have sq bar on the bottom to drop in,,, vice, bead roller. brake, hosfield bender, planishing hammer. wrought iron bender etc. Nice to be able to get the tool at the right height. no squatting down to work on heavy stuff.
I don't know if you want to buy plans or build one off a pic.

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