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Baby Huey Cleans up .......

Baby Huey

New Member
Well guys, I had to do it.....My Daughter finally tied the knot Saturday night so Ol Dad had to take a bath and put on City Slicker clothes.....Not for long, soon as the pictures were done, Ol Huey put the Bibs on and Partied !:cool: "BH"

Clean up pretty good there BH. You can tell thats Daddy's lil girl there by the smile on your face.
Who's the dude in the tux? Is that really you BH?

Congrats to your daughter. All my best to her and her new hobby er...I mean hubby!

i got you guys fooled .......No, thats not really me, it's my look alike friend William Shatner standing in for me..LOL:rolleyes:
Boy what a relief, It's finally over and hopefully so is all the Check writting and whisperin back and forth Cyndy's been doin...
She let it slip a few night ago how much $$$$$$$$$ this was costing us:eek::eek::eek::eek:.....Well, I tell ya guys, I could go out and buy a first class KIT Car for that money !! Ohhhh well, Daughters Happy, thats what counts......:D

Congratulations to the newlyweds! And to the proud poppa in the picture, too.

But gee, a bath in September? Wasn't that asking a bit much? ;)
OOOOOOO Im dreading that day. Allison is only seven but these years are going waayyyyyy too fast and the big day is rapidly approaching. Congrats to your family from our family!! Paul, Karrie and Allie
Webmaster said:
Congratulations to the newlyweds! And to the proud poppa in the picture, too.

But gee, a bath in September? Wasn't that asking a bit much? ;)

Bad thing was I had to take another after I got home !!:eek: LOL "BH"
norseman said:
OOOOOOO Im dreading that day. Allison is only seven but these years are going waayyyyyy too fast and the big day is rapidly approaching. Congrats to your family from our family!! Paul, Karrie and Allie

Thank you ! and ya better start putting away a little $$$$ now so it doesn't hurt so bad in another 10-12 years !! LOL
I gotta hand it to my daughter, she did it all ,she planned it, did all the leg work, made all the arangements, did all the decorating, she did as much as she could to save money and it was still a beautifull wedding !.....:D "BH"

Heres a link to the park....
Congrats on the wedding:)
BTW, look much younger in the suit.
Find a way to tinker in the garage in one of those:lol:
sstock said:
Congrats on the wedding:)
BTW, look much younger in the suit.
Find a way to tinker in the garage in one of those:lol:

Ya know when I was a kid in HS, I wore a tux a couple times for a prom and other stuff.. I kinda liked em, thought they looked really good, kinda like that James Bond guy........LOL
But now that I'm fat as a pig, I feel really BADDD in a tux, couldn't wait to get out of it and put the Bibs back on! And those ugly ass pointed toed shoes never did fit and were drivin me nuts all night long !
Nothin beats the comfort of Bibs for workin in the shop!

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