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Battery Location??

Nice Dreams

New Member
Please forgive me if this has already been asked, but where are the batteries most commonly located. I would think under the seat but with the seat inserts it seems as if the seat sits too low. Either the TP kits or the spirit, planning a build and I'm 6'1". I like the way the inserts seem to give a lot more leg room as in the pics from the Total gallery
Well young man, I have a spirit and the battery sits under the passenger seat. The seat insert slips in and out extreamly easy. Under the drivers seat is the opening to the master cylinder. Very nice setup. The only thing I do not like about spirit, is there's no place for putting your fuse box under the seat.

I'm planning on using a dry cell that will mount under the body on the passenger side. Allowing me to put a 16 gal. fuel tank in, and a couple of soft sided bags (from a bike) that will hold more than a pair of sunglasses. Here is a link to the battery company I'm loking to use.

Thanks. My plan is to use my mustang as a donor(still trolling here to see if its possible) for a Total kit. I have a optima sealed battery so it can be mounted upside down if necessary. was really just wondering the seat insert clearance.

I guess the best question would be if anyone has any pice of they're battery mounts and location?;)
PaulR said:
I'm planning on using a dry cell that will mount under the body on the passenger side. Allowing me to put a 16 gal. fuel tank in, and a couple of soft sided bags (from a bike) that will hold more than a pair of sunglasses. Here is a link to the battery company I'm loking to use.

Thats a good idea with the bags. I was thinking of something like that as well. maybe using a fuel cell on the passenger side of the truck back and some sort of divider to keep the gas smell out. use hydro lift(like on a hatchback) for lack of a better word, for the deck and be able to have a small trunk
Nice Dreams said:
Thanks. My plan is to use my mustang as a donor(still trolling here to see if its possible) for a Total kit. I have a optima sealed battery so it can be mounted upside down if necessary. was really just wondering the seat insert clearance.

I guess the best question would be if anyone has any pice of they're battery mounts and location?;)

Not very good but here is a pic of mine with my 1950 Ford battery box.

Here's a Spirit body with the FG box set into the 3/4" ply I placed on top of the standard floor. Only problem is removing right bucket seat (3 bolts) to access battery.
lanceks1 said:
Here's a Spirit body with the FG box set into the 3/4" ply I placed on top of the standard floor. Only problem is removing right bucket seat (3 bolts) to access battery.
Nice job lanceks.
mine is under the passnger seat along with the stereo, which has a remote to work it, and the washer bottle is behing it, the fuses etc are under the drivers seat, the speakers are there as well, one eack side. The seats tilt forward and you can get to everything through the back doors.
Not quite the same as an open T but may be of some use to someone.
thank you all!!
Digger your rod is unbeleivable, the work into it! way out of my league;)
Nice Dreams said:
thank you all!!
Digger your rod is unbeleivable, the work into it! way out of my league;)

Thanks but there is nothing compicated in it its all simple folds and bends some welding and a bit of filler!! [well more than a bit!]

If you can weld and fold metal its easy, the hardest bit on the body was the bulkhead.
Speaking of battery boxes, I have to give a great, big THANK YOU to Rick. He advised me and others, a while back, to NOT install the battery tray without putting the body on first to check location. Man, he saved me moving mine from where I was going to put it. With the body I have, it would have been 2" from where it needs to be.

Thanks again. Guys, check the body fit BEFORE you start cutting holes!
Tbucit..That's a nice setup for a turtle deck. Are you leaving the bottom open or using a pan under it?
Can't say enough about your work...looks top drawer all the way. Don't know why more T's aren't built with the turtle deck. You might start a new movement!
Tbucit, that like it holds more then 13 gals.mine holds 17 and it takes up
alot less room.It sits between the trunk opening and the seat area.
12" base...9" tall...9"at the top....40" wide
Rick....I like the '50 ford battery box. Nice authentic touch. Especially if you can get the hold down with it. I see everything painted yellow, cool. Maybe a black box wouldn't be as noticable. For a battery mounted in the pickup box, this would work too.
Youngster said:
Rick....I like the '50 ford battery box. Nice authentic touch. Especially if you can get the hold down with it. I see everything painted yellow, cool. Maybe a black box wouldn't be as noticable. For a battery mounted in the pickup box, this would work too.
The box sits about 1 inch below the rails and to see it you have to get down on your hands and knees.

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