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Brake light wiring


I have an aftermarket wiring harness, and there is a wire from the fuse block that goes to the brake switch. This wire provides power to the pressure switch I have in the brake line. I also have an Ididit steering column with a wire harness. One of the wires in it is labeled for the brake switch. I understand this will allow the brakes to blink with the directionals. My question is ..... how do I wire these 2 brake switch wires up? Do I need both wires connected, and how/where do they go?
If you haven't figured it out yet, I suck at wiring!!
Just a guess.
I would think the wire off the Ididit that says brake isn't for the signal, its for the 4 way, and this would tie in after the brake light switch so that the brake peddle switch can be overridden.
I would either take a look at the instructions for the column or use a meter and check that wire for continuity when flipping the switches on and off to see whats its for.
If it does ring out (meaning it has continuity when the 4 way switch is on) then it would have to go to the fuse block somewhere so that it ties in with the flasher.
:(:eek:Not good for me, I bought an Ididit tilt/ telescopic at a swap meet, with no instructions.....I'm in trouble when the time comes.
Thanks again for the feedback! Y'all are the best! Hey Fart, I went to You Tube and found a video from Ididit talking about the wiring in their column. Just what I needed! I wired it as they said, and it worked just great! The wire feed from the fuse block is the hot wire to the brake pressure switch. The second wire on the switch goes back to the brake switch wire on the column. This allows the brakes to stay lit when the directions are flashing. Now that I look back at it, it's really quite simple. And it works! But I still suck at wiring!
Pushrod, they use a standard GM directional switch, and wiring diagrams are all over the web. Just don't put power to the tan horn wire! It goes back to a relay, and as I understand it, it is a ground wire!

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