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Connector in headlight wiring

Rip VW

Active Member
I am curious as to if anybody has a headlight harness connector between the headlight and frame where the harness disappears into the frame. I think it would be good if you ever needed to change out the headlight assembly to be able to just disconnect the headlights for replacement or repair. If you have one let me know what you used and how it looks. If you don't have one, why not have one other than a connector is big and bulky. Oh and hard to hide..
I used spade connectors and fished them thru the hollow bolts one at a time so they would fit. I ran 12 gauge wire, but 14 would probably be plenty good and provide more room for additional wires.


Don't forget to include the round trip distance.

I used these on my bucket build since i will be racing it and driving it on the street. This way I can easily disconnect and remove the headlights when racing.

Not sure whats going on but i tried including the amazon link for the connectors. Here is a photo. They are listed on amazon as:
ONLINE LED STORE True MODS 3-Wire Weather Pack Connector Kit Assembled with 10" 12 AWG Wires

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