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Buggy spring help!!!! Please!!

It looks like an inch lowering block would help.
I think im going to add some spacers to the top of the spring pack and see how that works/looks. If it doesn't suit me, I guess breaking out the plasma and grinder will be the best option. Is there anything I need to know about adding the spacers? How long the spacers need to be? And is there a limit to how many are used? Speedway makes some 1/4 in spacers, but I think I may be able to make a few. I got a buddy with a CNC.
Is there anything I need to know about adding the spacers? How long the spacers need to be? And is there a limit to how many are used?

I think 1/4 inch increment spacers are wise. Remember, that spring deflection is in an arc, greater at the outer end, and very negligible toward the center.

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