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call me crazy or not

dave kreis

New Member
has anybody ever put a heater in a t- bucket yes i know it's all open but on a cool night directing heat on your feet makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. alot of times in winter, on cool nights, i turn on the heater full blast and roll the windows down and enjoy the cool crisp air. some summers can get cool at night
I installed a 28K BTU heater with a three speed blower. I have found it to be the single best thing that I incorporated into the build of my T.


It can only be seen if someone stuck their head down into the interior and looked up under the dash.


The hoses are run in such a manner that very few people ever notice them at all and are quite surprised when I tell them that I have a heater.
I'm seriously thinking about mounting a small electric heater under may dash that can be plugged into the cig outlet under the dash...for those cool morning trips...anyone use one of these?
I am installing a heater in my bucket right now. It is the same Summit heater as Ex junk. My heater is under the floor and is ducted to blow out from under the seat.

Fros-t said:
I am installing a heater in my bucket right now. It is the same Summit heater as Ex junk. My heater is under the floor and is ducted to blow out from under the seat.


I used the same one rated at 28,000 BTU, except mounted on firewall as under my seat is my fuel tank!

Has anyone every tried heated seats?? Either use a set of buckets or rip out the heater elements from a set of seats at the wreckers and have them upholstered in? Our cruising season is not that long north of the border, just an idea.
smallblockjohn said:
Has anyone every tried heated seats?? Either use a set of buckets or rip out the heater elements from a set of seats at the wreckers and have them upholstered in? Our cruising season is not that long north of the border, just an idea.

Sounds like a great idea.
smallblockjohn said:
Has anyone every tried heated seats?? Either use a set of buckets or rip out the heater elements from a set of seats at the wreckers and have them upholstered in? Our cruising season is not that long north of the border, just an idea.

That is a damn fine idea. hmmmm (adds it to the list of things to consider)
benT said:
I'm seriously thinking about mounting a small electric heater under may dash that can be plugged into the cig outlet under the dash...for those cool morning trips...anyone use one of these?

I dont think an electric would do much, not enough power. 100 amps at 12 volts is only 1200 watts, thats not much compared to what you can from hot water.

If you want to use electric heat, the electric seat idea sounds like the way to go, that is a really cool idea, definately have to hold on to that one.:thumbsup:
All these folks had was a few blankets. Of course, they weren't going 70 MPH. Yea, a heated seat would be a nice addition.

Martin said:
I dont think an electric would do much, not enough power. 100 amps at 12 volts is only 1200 watts, thats not much compared to what you can from hot water.

If you want to use electric heat, the electric seat idea sounds like the way to go, that is a really cool idea, definately have to hold on to that one.:thumbsup:

Probably right--I've been looking at the seat heaters that Speedway sells for about 100 bones ea. Originally, I thought I wouldn't need any aux heat, but I now I'm in a pretty serious relationship--I figure I'd have a better chance getting my girl to ride with me to shows if I had the bun warmers.

I'm sending my '27 to the interior shop the first week of Jan, so I'd better get them bought and installed pronto!:think:
i started using in seat heaters ...low cost and as long as your As# and back are hot so goes the rest..BUT that is someone from sunny California talking.Dan:cool:
Fred can you believe these guys. Next they will be wanting a chauffeur and a fur covered step when they climb out. GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Louise:rolleyes::D:rolleyes::rofl:.
I went to visit my Uncle in Mesa and those people run to their cars in the morning when its below 60. I hope i dont endup needing a heater and have to eat my words.:o
rooster57 said:
Fred can you believe these guys. Next they will be wanting a chauffeur and a fur covered step when they climb out. GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Louise:rolleyes::welxome::rolleyes::rofl:.
I went to visit my Uncle in Mesa and those people run to their cars in the morning when its below 60. I hope i dont endup needing a heater and have to eat my words.:o
Rooster, I LMAF with you on that one.. hehe But one time while my Wife and I were tooling up North along the coast at night, we ran into fog, real wet cold weather, boy, I got the blanket out real fast, to cover up our legs, took off one of my floor plates that covered my master cyl. that let in plenty of heat, kept in under the blanket, all warm now, and with a scarf over our faces and my gloves on, we were back in business, so, a heater can come in handy, both in cold and hot weather, to help if things get too hot, engine wise, as the heater helps to cool the water down real good... :rofl:
I did get a pair of the speedway seat heaters--If they work as well as they look constructed, my girl will be happy (well, at least happier...) They have a hi/low/off switch that I am hiding in the upper kick panel. I'm no pansy, but I have driven in my dad's 27 on day where I was wishing I had my snowmobile suit on!

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