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Calling Aussie Guys.


New Member
Well, besides me trying to get the T together, we decided to get are plans together for our December vacation. So, we decided on Australia.
We have not been there yet should be a heck of a time. I was hoping a few of our friends from down under, could give me some insight on where to go, places to see, or any other valuable information you could give me.
She only has 3 stipulations for our trip: Beach, Roos, and Koalas:rolleyes:. I appreciate any info guys.
Australia is a great place to go and visit. We New Zealanders do that in large numbers, and about 400,000 of our lot never came back home.

If you can understand cricket, its an Australian tradition to go to the "Boxing Day Test" which, unsurprisingly, starts on 26 December. The Ozzies love their cricket and for a while achieved world domination at it. I think its held in Melbourne

If you want to see quarter mile nitro dragracing, theres usually an Australia V USA type meeting in the Christmas/New Years period. I think its held in Sydney.

If you want to look at their hot rodding scene, try the ASRF for details ASRF - Australian Street Rod Federation or if you are planning time in Queensland you could contact the good folk at Cruzin Magazine Cruzin Magazine and they will look after you too.

A New Zealanders summary is
Melbourne - the monied place & the culture place
Sydney - the big place (LA for beginners)
Brisbane - the hot place (full of Kiwis)
Adelaide - the Church place
Perth - The place thats a long way away (and full of Kiwis and South Africans)
Canbera - the political place (to be avoided)
Darwin - the place that got hit by Cyclone Tracey

Give us a bit more info on what you want to do and Im sure the Ozzies will put you right. They enjoy barbeques and beer and are a really friendly bunch. If they let us run hot rods fenderless, I would look at shifting over there myself.:)
From what I understand, she wants to see the Great Barrier Reef. Me...I like the Outback idea. So, I have to come up with a plan of action that covers both.h
G,day mate
Would be good to have you down here, how long are you planning on staying for.
If you want to see the outback and the great barrier reef, you will have to take some domestic flights to get around, they are not close.
Where are you planning on flying into Melbourne or Sydney? If Melbourne then for roo's and koala'a there is an area called the Grampians (Halls Gap)
Plenty of wildlife there mate. Not a bad drive from Melbourne either, nice area, but once again not near the outback or the barrier reef.
Give me some details and I will get you some locations to have a look at....
Have you got most of the tripped planned mate, by the way, you will need some sunscreen up there at that time of year:lol::):lol:
So far we have the Canopy treehouses in Atherton Tablelands and Amaroo at Trinity Hotel. Other than snorkling at the Great Barrier Reef and the hotels... I got nothing.:think:
Do you need someone to carry your luggage ? :D:lol::lol:
Two week`s on the wrong side of the country I live in W.A. and it is great a nice drive from Perth to Sharks Bay a lot of roos but no bears a lot of dolfins up there as well.
When you have had your weekend brake over there come back over to our side and have a proper holiday all the best Keith
If you want to see the real outback you will need a flight to the Northern Territory. It all depends on want you want to see and dollars to. There is Hot Air Balloon Trips Over Ayres Rock (ment to be the ducks guts), Katherine Gorge, Crocodile seeing tours etc.
There is a few web sites like Oz Tourism that might give you a few ideas.
Good one MENT TO BE THE DUCK`S GUTS now that will have the yanks worried they will think we go on holiday to kill ducks cheers Keith:) :D :beer: :hb: :) :)
Seeing the outback is on MY agenda, so definitely heading over to Northern Territory is on my list. Thanks for the input AussieT, I like the idea of the balloon.:D
Do you realise how big Oz. is we have just had a holiday. We left Perth and drove to Tasmania we were away for 8 weeks and did not have time to see any thing on the main land and only saw half of Tasmania.
Oz. is huge enjoy your visit and we will be happy to see you but dont strech your self to far. All the best Keith:):):)
I didn't realize it until I had the nifty idea of driving from Sydney to Cairns. I thought it would be a nice day trip:wall:. When I found it takes the same length to drive from Ohio to California, it put it all in to perspective.
I know its gigantic, but I also want to at least see the outback also. This might be my only opportunity to see Australia, so I have to see it. Just in case I don't get back there for a while;).

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