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Checkered firewall

der Spieler

A while back the discussion of painting checkered firewalls was brought up. Some mentioned going to a hobby/craft store and getting a template. I have done a search on Google and I can't find templates anywhere. Anyone have any ideas or sources? I would like 2-1/2" - 3" squares.
What about a sign store? Although, that might be a little more spendy.
A template would not work looking at a checker board any direction is a stairstep and makeing a template would cut it apart. The only way is a base color and then tape lines then tape lines the other direction. It's a lot of work. Good luck with it :D.. Francis
If your going with something like a black and white checker board, paint the entire firewall white as your base color (will become white the squares).

Go to your local craft/hobies store and grab some friskit paper sheets. apply whole sheets to cover the entire firewall. Using a straight edge, mark all your squares using a tic-tac-toe pattern with lines. Lightly score the lines and then remove the unwanted squares and paint the black squares.

when all the paint is dry, remove the remaining friskit paper and what you have left is a black and white chekerboard.

This same method can be use to apply flames and if your real creative, the friskit paper can be pree-cut into designs and layered. It's KEWL to just paint and remove a layer of friskit paper, Paint again and remove another friskit layer... continue untill all the layers of friskit paper are gone and your left with a kewl graphic that may only need some shading or shadowing.

My buddy used an air brush, lots of friskit paper and also some free hand work with a brush to paint this for me.
Does it make a good seal around the edges to stop paint from bleeding through/under?
Man some guys have all the talent. The last murial i made was a garagesale sign. In oklahoma a good garage sale sign is a work of art and can change your status in the community!!!!!!!!
rooster57 said:
Man some guys have all the talent. The last murial i made was a garagesale sign. In oklahoma a good garage sale sign is a work of art and can change your status in the community!!!!!!!!

Pics? :D
My first wife got it in the settlement, it was a damn nice sign.
rooster57 said:
My first wife got it in the settlement, it was a damn nice sign.


My first got the hose and the kids and I got to leave the state, I got the best end of that deal. :D
Steve, the way I have always done checkerboard is how Mr27T stated. The only difference is I have a buddy the has a plotter, I will go there and tell him what size checkerboards that I want and how big I need it. He will cut the squares from the plotter and put the frisk paper reversed on the vinyl. The best thing about this is that the square are already cut and they are perfect.

The only way that I have ever had bleed over is from not rubbing down the top of the frisk paper good enough so when you peel out the checkboard you loose the tackiness in the vinyl.

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