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Cooling fan relay


Staff member
I am a dunce with electrical stuff, so please bear with me. Due to a faulty thermo switch for my electric cooling fan, I have bypassed the thermo switch by simply running the connecting wire to ground. This means the fan runs whenever the ignition is switched on. Fine for Summer, but not so good in Winter. I want to install a manual switch between the connecting wire and ground, but was wondering about using a relay. The fan circuit already has a relay, so my question is, do I need another relay for this ‘grounding’ switch, or does the fan circuit relay take care of it?
Due to a faulty thermo switch for my electric cooling fan, I have bypassed the thermo switch by simply running the connecting wire to ground.
Instead of running the thermo switch direct to ground, run it too your switch and then to ground. That should use your fan relay to supply power to the fan and your switch will only carry a small amount of current.
Spanky. I’m probably in the same category as you when it comes to electrical. I draw my schematics out on paper and it seems to help me understand them a lot better.
G'Day Spanky,
You will find cooling fan suppliers post schematics on their websites for fan wiring, one of which will show the bypass Sw you are looking to fit.

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